Code Madeleine was developed by the Federation of Tour Operators, the Association of British Travel Agents, and the News of the World. Its objective is to trigger a system of securing premises and systematically searching for a missing child in the critical hours immediately after they are reported missing.
The scheme was launched as Madeleine's parents Gerry and Kate McCann awaited news of a police search of chief suspect Robert Murat's home in Portugal.
"Kate and I fully endorse the Code Madeleine scheme," said Mr McCann."We would like to thank everyone in the British travel industry and the News of the World for taking the initiative to set up this scheme. Kate and I hope that this new code will help protect British families when they are on holiday."
Holiday firms are being asked to sign up to the code and train staff on what to do if a child goes missing. Andy Cooper, director general of the Federation of Tour Operators, said: "All of our major members have agreed to support Code Madeleine and adopt the six-point plan to help make children safer while on holiday."
The six points are:
1. Hotel management or holiday company staff to immediately obtain a photograph and detailed description of the missing child, and to assist parents in liaising with the police.
We recommend that parents be asked to bring with them an up-to-date photograph of their child.
2. Designated employee to page Code Madeleine via nearest in-house telephone - implementing the procedure of circulating the photograph and communicating a detailed description of the missing child throughout the hotel.
3. Hotel staff, supported by holiday company representatives on the premises, to assist in search of public areas and to monitor entrances exits from the premises.
4. If the missing child is not found within 10 minutes of initial search of public areas, parent to take decision to notify local police. Hotel management or holiday company staff to assist.
5. Hotel management or holiday company staff to use best endeavours to ensure any suspected crime scene area is isolated and kept free of contamination until police arrive.
6. If the child is found accompanied by someone other than a parent or legal guardian, reasonable efforts to delay their departure will be used without putting the child, staff, or visitors at risk.
Police will be notified and given details about the person accompanying the child.
Here, perhaps, is the 'trojan horse' being opened before our eyes. I don't doubt there will be additional 'parts' added to this developing code. This appears to be what was intended all along by someone in the higher echelons. Someone able to muster and monitor public reaction. Someone able to manufacture the disappearance of Madeleine McCann and force the McCanns into taking part in this campaign.