Further Reading

Wednesday, 1 August 2007

Daily Merlin: The Confusing Portend


Daily Merlin Insight
Wednesday 1st August 2007
11:00pm - 11:35pm
New Zealand
Merlin Tarot

The first transcript of August 2007 ... it is now 2 days short of the 3 months since Madeleine McCann disappeared. My focus for this insight? The blank wall of mirrors, that ever continuing wall of silence. Hovering symbolically above that barrier, I immediately receive the sense that all is not well ... that all is not going as smoothly and as planned. There is some element of disarray in the contingent who gather on the other side of the wall. How can I tell? Am I not imagining this sense of disagreement? No, first impressions have always served me well ... the very instance I commenced viewing remotely I gained that discord in the camp.

But with who and what is the significance?

(First part of transcript not published) .............. someone is close to blowing the whistle on it all. The pressure becomes too great. The situation is no longer the same, it appears. The risk no longer applies ... Mary wishes it to be known the little girl is to be found alive; a staged event for the cameras. She may already have been found already. But it is kept hidden for protective reasons, but it is no risk now to her to write that 'insight' here. Those who devise the means need the push to place the call ... they are reluctant ... and wary of where they stand in it all. Much is being put in place as planned, but the ............................... (omitted section) ... the time of the little one’s return is imminent according to the ancient ones….

Two of Beasts - Change
Ace of Serpents

The two apparent sides wait for word of the one holding the control of both sides. This is not clearly understood ... purely an insightful array of images ... but there is one who must give the word for the two sides to unlock their horns and the trusty companion to listen to the spoken words which 'the baying wolf' is to say. These leaders look to the memory of a great woman for inspiration ... what this means and how it relates to Maddy McCann I cannot tell but it is clearly an enmeshing of the political & religious worlds occurring away from the scrutiny of public eyes. The dispute around it all appears to be resolved by some political agenda. The words of the 'baying wolf' must be spoken before the situation can be resolved. This meeting appears to have been postponed or delayed. Therefore everyone involved are awaiting this confrontation, hence the spinning top appearance of the news.

This portend appears difficult to understand. An update may be added later when it begins to make sense.


This currently feels much like a waiting game. A self perpetuating situation until a decision is made as to how steps lead to the next square. It seems a political impasse. There is no credible suspect to present as the one responsible yet the time arrives that Maddy is due to reappear. Someone close to where Maddy resides in safety reads and watches the news reports. That someone knows the score ... and merely smiles ... for surely the deception will hide them but possibly implicate ones below them in the chain.

The name Michael links closely to the situation. Also, one may need to retract what they have said but how can they ... pressure truly on the many shoulders.

When the little girl finally appears, there will be so many questions asked and so many suspicions but it cannot be any worse than what is already surfacing and is focusing on them all. In time it will fade and her life will flow back into normality as she becomes front page news ... but in later years it will all come to the surface again.