Further Reading

Sunday 30 September 2007

Another Sighting In Morocco ....

Today the Sunday Express can reveal the huge blunders made by Moroccan police who failed to act on a possible Madeleine sighting.

Hotelier James Valarino, 65, from Gibraltar, is certain he saw the missing four-year-old in the clutches of a European man at a market in Tangiers on August 8. The sighting has given fresh hope to her parents that their daughter could still be alive 150 days after she vanished. Last night Mr Valarino said: “I was shopping near the Old Medina about five in the afternoon when I saw a man acting nervously as he carried a little girl with blonde hair. At first I thought nothing strange of it because the man looked like he was the child’s father but when I got closer I saw her face and knew immediately it was Madeleine McCann. She was barefooted and he was trying to buy some shoes from a stall. I got closer to try to call her by her name but the man saw me and rushed off. The poor little child looked distressed and unhappy. She was clearly undernourished and appeared to be frightened of the man. He was very white, overweight and about 5ft 10in with fair hair. He looked to be in his mid-30s and appeared to be from northern Europe as he was so pale. I heard him ask the stall owner about children’s shoes in English and it sounded like his native tongue. He was carrying the youngster on his hip and stood at the stall for about five minutes. I did not get the chance to see her eyes but I have followed her story from the day she went missing and I am certain it was her. I only wish I had been brave enough to say something to him.”

The father of four had to wait until he returned to Gibraltar the following day to report what he had seen because Moroccan police said they could not understand him. After making a statement in Gibraltar, Mr Valarino heard nothing more and feared the sighting had been overlooked.

Then last week four sightings of Madeleine in Morocco emerged and despite the fact that one was ruled out, private investigators working for the McCanns are believed to be following the trail in Tangiers and Marrakech, where the first sighting was made on May 9. (Sunday Express)

Quick Insight - Morocco, is there anything of significance in the sightings?'

3 of Weapons (reversed) -
Prime of Weapons -the flaming sword.
Giver of Crescents -

There appears to be clarity in the insight here. Some clear message provided. However ... it seems not to relate to an affirmative sighting of Madeleine in Morocco. However, with the appearance of the Flaming Sword ... in principle Madeleine may well have been one of the girls sighted in Morocco.

What is clear here ... are the THREE HANDS behind her disappearance. Note the Three of Weapons at the top left of the working. Three swords pierce a heart. The card relates to the separation of a loved one from its family. The subject is the disappearance of Madeleine McCann from her family. Note ... one hand holds the Flaming Sword (is in possession of Maddy) and another two hold swords which pierce the heart and are therefore involved.

Moving now to the image of the Giver of Crescents. 'The giver of illusion and deception' in other words. In the image we clearly see the three hands behind it all .... 'The Face of the Moon in the background; who is the mastermind or he who ordered the disappearance in the first instance. Then there is the Neptunian Woman in the centre of the image with Crescent held above her head ... receiving instructions from the face in the moon (seen as the collected tears). She stands within her craft driven by two of her minions within the ocean of public emotions. She is within it all. She is the hand I decree who has possession of the Flaming Sword. She is within the public ... part of it all. Then finally we have the third hand ... the robed figure with its back to the observer ... hiding its identity from the observer's gaze. This figure hides its persona because this is symbolic of the fact that this persona is perhaps in the public eye and known! The Robed Figure waits on dry land ... perhaps an actual location ... maybe he is 'the collector' ... he who Maddy will be taken to ... he who she is to be passed to when it is time for her safe release??????

Somewhere in the Morocco sightings there is some degree of truth but where? A sighting of Madeleine is suggested by the four faces which surround the Flaming Sword in the Prime of Weapons? The possibility that the sheath of restriction which currently exists around Maddy ... has been on the move. Either someone has been deliberate in their actions ... permitting Maddy to be seen on the move ... to let it be known Maddy is indeed alive. Or ... the sightings are clever deceptions created by the three hands .. with 'lookalikes' in places where they are meant to be seen; with agents told to 'act suspicious' to draw attention to themselves.... so the witnesses will report the sightings ... drawing attention to the occurrences ... by way of decoys. To permit Maddy to slip through the net ...

However, intuition shines bright ... a sighting has truly been Maddy but which one? There is a clever net of confusion here. Create confusion with 'lookalikes' to permit the real Maddy to be moved northwards ... by way of the least expected route, but not with the 'company' attributed to those routes; it is easy for operatives to be dressed to appear like the locals in truth.