Further Reading

Wednesday, 19 September 2007

Daily Merlin Insight: 'Hidden in a safe house'?

A safe house. It is necessity she remains hidden. She is alright. Maddy is STILL ALIVE. There is a problem with her reemergence at this time. If she was to appear ... her life might become in danger as a way of getting at Gerry or Kate.


Daily Merlin Insight (using Servants of the Light tarot)
Wed 19th September 2007
9.45pm - 10;20pm

'Insights around the Shining Star and the continuing mysterious situation.'

Notice the appearance of the Maker of Spheres once more. The continued deception and decoys. The wild geese hovering above the trail. The smokescreens still persist. Nothing of any note has actually been divulged about Madeleine McCann's disappearance since the mystery began in May 2007. It has effectively been smokescreens all the way up until now. Hence the confusion represented by these seemingly disconnected images and the casting of the crystals. Very little is revealed here of any sense.

I get nothing at all here of any significance. Seemingly, though ... what we see before our eyes ... a deep impenetrable wall once more. Or perhaps it has always been that way?

The Fool emerges from the doorway atop the middle 'pillar' above the shining star who is in the central position representative of the sun. We await thus the sun to rise? Will it ever? For many there is so much doubt now ... hence the Devil image for sure ... the spinning and weaving of the storylines by the Maker of Spheres as succeeded therefore. Creating so much confusion ... all seems to be lost. Right on cue it seems, the Fool emerges ... with the white rose of trust; asking the observer to trust once more the latest direction ... as something else arises out of the penetrable wall of this mysterious and rather odd 'case' ...

Something more than a simple abduction of a child. But still no clue makes it any clearer. When is she due to reemerge ... someone most surely knows because enough faces surround her. Enough faces cater for her. She is not alone in her daily routine. There is one or more children around her who she knows or has come to know. There is the reverberance of persons she knows arriving in a big black car with dark glass. One of them I see stepping out into the sunlight with sunglasses to hide his face. He holds a case which he passes to one of the two waiting man there. He walks slowly into the house feeling momentarily guilty. For this side of this man the outside world is not aware. He walks into the house and sees the little girl. Sees she is ok. Permitted moments alone but not too long ... enough to know she is well and alive. He then leaves by the way he came back to the car and drives off. For the little girl this is still the holiday. She has cried and she has been upset ... but she believes the man and the woman when they say it will all be over soon. She can go home to her daddy and her mummy. But only when the work to be done has been done.

The Temperance card suggests the holy man who has learned to cope with the information he bears. He has found peace with the way he is dealing with the information he holds. His work he is devoted to but it is more than just the faith. He has a professional role too. He keeps what he knows to himself. Someday he will speak of what he knows when he is able.

The Maker of Weapons appears to link to those at the core of the mystery. Perhaps he is one of the McCanns or even a peripheral family member. But it is he who had split loyalties. He was aware of the repercussions of all which he knew would come to pass. But it was inevitable. It was unavoidable. He can only be a support to Gerry & Kate ... he can assure them there will be a happy ending because he knows there will be.

Someone around the McCanns is mostly tight lipped about the whole thing. A charge of suspected responsibility for Maddy's death was a probable direction it was all going to take. Someone heard from higher authority it was going to take place. But knew also too much attention ... too much scrutiny might open up holes for someone to discover the truth about the case.

I reiterate my intuition of a previous night ... I sense that Eire has a relevance with relation to where Maddy resides in safety. A safe house. It is necessity she remains hidden. She is alright. Maddy is STILL ALIVE. I sense this virtually 100%. There is a problem with her reemergence at this time. If she was to appear ... her life might become in danger as a way of getting at Gerry or Kate. Her disappearance in the safe keeping of intelligence ensures she remains safe. The abduction claim has to be the only way. It must be the cover ... the charade must continue. This is part of a political web. Threats are real. But the abduction may well have been staged. Maddy is very much alive. The crystals took on the shape of Eire in the casting. But the fact remains ... does she reside in 'central' Eire or is that where the threat comes from? The illusion cast by the Maker of Spheres is so necessary as it hides something of real importance in which Gerry and the Unicorn are linked ... it must remain hidden and the facts of it must be seen as impenetrable much like the true facts around the disappearance of Maddy.

Hence my decision at this point not to dig any deeper.