Further Reading

Monday, 17 September 2007

Daily Merlin Insight

Daily Merlin Insight
Monday 17th September 2007
9:25pm - 9:55pm

'Insights to explore the scenario indicated in a previous transcript relating to the undisclosed image'

My first point of 'note', with the insights presented here, is my own crystal pendulum stone within this casting ... its location indicated above. It falls 'at the feet' at the Giver of Spheres which is the central image here. This persona discussed in previous insights as 'the provider of the spheres (or eggs) to the 'foolish one' ... perhaps established now as The Fool ('the travelling one') ... although depicted in this image as a male; might it be possibly insighted as being Kate ... the Giver of Spheres the doctor who was able to successfully engineer a successful conception for Kate with her IVF ... hence the appearance of the 'Birth Card' to the left of the Giver of Spheres plus the single pink stone. Kate would after all have technically travelled far and wide out of desperation to unearth a successful means of conception? As controversial as this might appear ... this insight represents a wonderful event in the life's of the McCanns. Might it actually be this single event ... this process which is indeed the reason for the disappearance of their eldest child ... the very product of this process? Might this miraculous event be what is linked to Southern Ireland with regard to either the Giver of Spheres or whoever opposes this miraculous event? There appears strong Southern Irish connections here.

Is this what effects 'the pendulum swing' outlined by the pattern of the crystals indicated in yellow, plus the pendulum stone itself? Plus to the right of image is the Wheel of Fortune ... the weight of the wheel resting on the back of the Lion & the Bull ... what then is the significance to it all? The green stone slightly above of the pendulum stone implies a family member initiated the swing of the pendulum and may have been the cause of it all ...

The stone beneath the Giver of Spheres, the stone directly above the User of Spheres ... indicates something of a controversial nature ... and it points to the campaign of the User of Staves ... the hand of the Unicorn ... the link to something perhaps Scottish political interests as the Unicorn represents Scotland on the royal crown. This controversial statement is the pointer towards the involvement of Gordon Brown and his connection with the McCanns. Might some network knowledge of this connection ... plus that of the 'sensitive' nature of the conception of Gerry McCann's first child .... be the very reason for this disappearance? Political blackmail or an enforced political policy change by blackmailing Gerry with the hostage taking of his child?

I intuit thus if this WERE the case ... then Kate or Gerry would be aware of the political or religious affiliation of the Doctor of Genetics who pioneered the process for Kate McCann. But ... is there a valid link to religious organisations within Southern Ireland who may have opposed the means of conception? Who are indeed the ones who hold Madeleine McCann?

The image of Temperance ... the Angel Raphael ... the healer of souls. The mending of wounds between two forces ... where one perhaps made a mountain out of a molehill ... the snowball was made to roll and it become of true political significance ... but it became something too 'controversial' to conceal. Somehow if it is indeed the case it can only be resolved through negotiations?

But I actually intuit this is not the case. The custodians do appear to be linked to intelligence networks; to government causes ... but there is a reluctance somehow to let Maddy go ... for fear of repercussions. It is as if the woman is fearful of what would occur at the end of it all. She appears to be known to the McCanns. To their profession. To their beliefs. The woman at the centre of it all seems to be fearful of what she has set off ... the snowball rolling. But .. I just sense she is kindly towards the little girl. She is a gentle soul and she knows just how much the McCanns are missing their eldest child. She knows she must let Maddy go. Surely she must let the McCanns know that Maddy is indeed safe ... especially in the light of all the recent cruel speculations?

I am wary of the influences here. The extending network of powers involved in this situation. It indeed stretches far and wide. It makes me truly question just who Maddy's custodian is?