Further Reading

Wednesday, 12 September 2007

Daily Merlin: 'Insights into Kate & Gerry'

Daily Merlin Insight (Using Servants of the Light tarot)
Wed 12th September 2007
9.20pm - 9:55pm

'Insights into Gerry & Kate McCann ... indications of any involvements in Madeleine McCann's disappearance'

It is clear whilst focussing on this photograph of Kate & Gerry ... one taken early August ... that it is a genuine 'vibe' that Kate feels that Madeleine is still alive. It is written as hope in her eyes as she gazes across at Gerry. She is genuine in this distress. It does not project as someone with the guilt of her own child on her mind. Indeed Maddy's death seems the furthest thing from her mind. Whatever the McCanns may be, or may have to hide ... their hand in the 'speculated' death of their eldest daughter is not on their conscience. That which is on the surface of their minds is that Madeleine IS alive. Indeed, not once in all the hours of close scrutiny of the press photographs of the McCanns have I once picked up the resonance of Maddy's death in their 'auras'. My psychometric analysis of photographs goes back a number of decades; this resonance is not something I would miss. Indeed I still only glean 'Maddy is still alive' from the aura traces of the photographs.

A whisper from out of the aethers: 'Kate genuinely dresses each day with the thought that 'today is the day we will see Madeleine again' , she touches the tower of strength with her hand, one simple kiss and then she proceeds to be strong for Madeleine each and every day.' Those feelings of 'belief' run deep; they are not contrived; they are genuine ... she is innocent of those appalling things she is accused of doing'.

From the tarot spread ... the central image is the Maker of Spheres ... holding the pattern of four spheres in its hands with the swarm of busy bees flying across the image. In the background is the figure of a young child looking on. The eyes of the Maker of Spheres is clearly on those of us, the observer' ... the maker's eyes 'willing' us to watch it weave to juggle the spheres in its hands. Haunting us, mesmerising us with that holding pattern. This is representative of the utter tripe which is in the news stories in the current day. 'Tell it little truth with many lies' .... the trees in the background of the image, the ancient establishments 'behind' the makers actions. Then we have the User of Spheres again ... 'the juggler' with the little girl sitting contented in front of the jugler. The image I associated with the time that Maddy was made 'invisible' ... but this invisibility was NOT her death. It was her transportation to somewhere safe ... Malta and beyond. Instigated somehow by this juggler ... but who is he and how does he link with the McCanns or the Media power behind the news stories? The link is with the 'priest' to the left of the Maker of Spheres ... perhaps? The 'wounded' healer ... the doctor or healer who has also the authority to act as a priest .... might this be the organisation known as 'Opus Dei'?? Might this be the connection indicated here ... the link that acted in concealing Madeleine ... making her 'go invisible' ... led to somewhere within their dominion like a safe house in Malta or even Italy? Might then also one of its members be linked to the media pulling the strings to manipulate the stories in the news at the time? If then ... would this organisation then link also the the McCanns? In particular ... Gerry McCann because this 'wounded healer' seems to link to Gerry. Might then Gerry have knowledge then of this part of the campaign? That was then ... around the 3 week period after Maddy's disappearance? The knowing in Gerry's eyes that Maddy was alive? A tip off from a fellow member of an organisation? A phone call or a clue that Maddy was truly alive?

Might then this order have been infiltrated or compromised in some way? Someone who opposed Gerry McCann with similar or the same links. Access to the same people? Perhaps linking to those who held Maddy originally? Perhaps Maddy had not initially been taken? Perhaps it was staged ... for political campaign? But maybe then it all went wrong with a genuine taking at some point? This is only theory or supposition. It in no way represents what I see on the cards ... the cards only provide insights into personalities without explanation for the links. But it seems the white stone of the casting is the central hub, the holding pattern ... those who are in control of the situation ... the green stone ... someone close to the McCanns who they know ... but is the traitor in their camp. Who is the one to be definitely wary of ... because the Keeper of Spheres denotes the motives of one who the McCanns appear to trust ... who do not have their interests at heart ...

As for the current accusations ... Gerry & Kate definitely do not appear to be responsible for anything to do with the demise of Madeleine McCann. Indeed they both seem to 'know' she is still alive. Someone linked high in an influential order has the opportunity and the motive to use its source in the way we are seeing at this moment in time ... it seems to keep the trail well hidden ... to keep the McCanns in the public eye ... more publicity for the campaign. More confusion ... again all seemingly to plan.

The 3 of Staves is established strength ... one priest and two priestesses working in unison here ... or even two priestesses and one priest ... something of religious significance to be unearthed .. something linking religious order to those who are sworn healers and carers .... brought into question is who and what these three people know.