To some degree, everyone can develop the ability to link with Spirit and, to the influences coming from those in Spirit. But, not everyone can become a physical medium. Mental mediumship clairvoyant and clairaudient which can, to some degree, be developed within most people, but phsyical mediumship need the physical organism of the medium, either you have those elements or you don’t. Therefore this mediumship is difficult to develop, and the medium and the sitters in this work have been chosen by spirit and the medium for this kind of development.

In physical mediumship, the 'Spirit operators' use an abundance of etheric energy, ectoplasm, and matter in order to produce the various manifestations. Through the directed use of mind, they release this energy-matter from the physical medium's body and use it. Most often, but not always, the medium must be in a state of rather deep trance. This helps place the medium's mind on the sideline, this allowing the intelligence of the spirit to operate and work with the medium …
The implications, here, are really quite staggering: Mind is capable of affecting matter. Perhaps this is the most pertinent implication lying at the foundation of physical mediumship.
The circle there hold this demonstrations can often be affected by illness and physical exhaustion if not developed properly, this tend to weaken the etheric vehicle the medium, therefore extra care is taken to develop anybody who have this power in them, and the development can take years not months to develop strongest discipline are needed, a totally devotion.
A person who has an abundance of this vital energy-matter has the potential of becoming a physical medium
In materialisation, the Spirit people use ectoplasm to create an image or moulding of him or her. The degree and strength of the materialized form varies quite a bit. A full-form, head-to-toe materialization of a spirit is, perhaps, the most amazing phenomenon witnessed in mediumship and the hardest to achieve. When achieved to the fullest there can be seen a cord of ectoplasm linking the spirit form with the medium. This ectoplasm cord can be likened to the umbilical cord. Spirit may dematerialise by withdrawing the ectoplasm back into the medium's body via this cord.
This can take a little time and it is quite dangerous to touch at any time but can only with permission from spirit be touched under the demonstration
Ectoplasm can be used to move objects. Ectoplasm can be manipulated into hardened rods and spirit can direct these rods to move large object like tables and chairs and levitate a person. This is known as levitation ectoplasm. Objects known to be levitated have ranged in weight from a few ounces to hundreds of pounds.

In physical mediumship, the 'Spirit operators' use an abundance of etheric energy, ectoplasm, and matter in order to produce the various manifestations. Through the directed use of mind, they release this energy-matter from the physical medium's body and use it. Most often, but not always, the medium must be in a state of rather deep trance. This helps place the medium's mind on the sideline, this allowing the intelligence of the spirit to operate and work with the medium …
The implications, here, are really quite staggering: Mind is capable of affecting matter. Perhaps this is the most pertinent implication lying at the foundation of physical mediumship.
The circle there hold this demonstrations can often be affected by illness and physical exhaustion if not developed properly, this tend to weaken the etheric vehicle the medium, therefore extra care is taken to develop anybody who have this power in them, and the development can take years not months to develop strongest discipline are needed, a totally devotion.
A person who has an abundance of this vital energy-matter has the potential of becoming a physical medium
In materialisation, the Spirit people use ectoplasm to create an image or moulding of him or her. The degree and strength of the materialized form varies quite a bit. A full-form, head-to-toe materialization of a spirit is, perhaps, the most amazing phenomenon witnessed in mediumship and the hardest to achieve. When achieved to the fullest there can be seen a cord of ectoplasm linking the spirit form with the medium. This ectoplasm cord can be likened to the umbilical cord. Spirit may dematerialise by withdrawing the ectoplasm back into the medium's body via this cord.
This can take a little time and it is quite dangerous to touch at any time but can only with permission from spirit be touched under the demonstration
Ectoplasm can be used to move objects. Ectoplasm can be manipulated into hardened rods and spirit can direct these rods to move large object like tables and chairs and levitate a person. This is known as levitation ectoplasm. Objects known to be levitated have ranged in weight from a few ounces to hundreds of pounds.
This ectoplasm is some time faintly luminous and can density so as it can be used to clone (a word I use to explain that spirit makes a duplicate of them self). It is very hard to explain what ectoplasm really is, but some say it looks like a cheesecloth, some say it’s like a thick cloud, this is of course very difficult to explain for those who never had seen it, or sat under a materialisation. Spirit tell us, that the spirit (chemist) “let us call them” supply a substance, and also obtains a certain amongst from the medium and sitters combine this, spirit mix these ingredients together, and this enable the spirit to materialize. When spirit comes to the materialisation they use all they can from the surroundings
There are many scientists and other wonderful people who give their time to study these phenomena, but are given no time of day to express their understanding and their witness account. Mr Michael Roll is one such scientist.
From first hand experience; the occurrence of physical mediumship is truly difficult to develop and control. There is a point when a connection is made with a contactee; an agreement is made for myself as the medium to permit the contactee to ‘come through’ … gradually a well familiar state descends over me. Its first indications is a feeling like a spider’s web appearing over my face. I have to overcome the urge to itch my face as a membrane is formed over my face. I then sense a shift in body vibration. My heart beat slows down …. I will then become aware of a presence behind my shoulder … then a slight tap is often felt on my shoulder.
I feel a spiralling sensation … then am only aware of regaining consciousness after the event!
My most memorable experience of physical mediumship was when a close friend’s husband chose his moment to come through me … my return to awareness was when my close friend gasped in shock and told me afterwards that her late husband had appeared from the head down to the shoulders. My eyes opened but they were apparently his eyes not mine.
However … I must report I have not been aware of the production of ectoplasm. My form of physical mediumship did not manifest any such substance unless of course the membrane like sheen on my face is the ectoplasm.