Further Reading

Sunday 23 September 2007

'What Lies Ahead?'

Daily Merlin Insight
Sunday 23rd September 2007

'Virgo wanders by to be replaced by 'the Justice Card' under the rulership of the sign of Libra. Still there is no clear sign of Madeleine McCann's return ... therefore what can be expected in the weeks ahead? Moving forward possibly to mid-October 2007 ... though it is hard to be totally accurate to within days or weeks when dealing with the timeless arts; pulling upon energies of metaphysics that exist beyond the binding parameters of human time. Insights therefore to explore the coming weeks ahead appertaining to the continuing search for Madeleine McCann.'

As my date of 'worst case scenario rolls by .... I still hold my head up high as timing is the hardest thing to predict with total accuracy .. I am perfectly willing to say it will take longer than I determined back in Early June, however ... the fact that Maddy is still alive reverberates now 100% in my mind. That isn't wrong.

'Do not be disheartened about the light of the little girl. Voices are heard asking over and over again about the destiny of this one little girl. She is not, and has NOT be sacrificed ... she is still a living breathing child on the mortal plane ... but know she is a special child; her disappearance has lifted the world awareness of the plight of the many who would have been forgotten if it had not been for this endearing campaign. She lives on ... and suddenly, right out of the blue ... the trail will lead directly to her ... do not be disheartened. Endure the frustrating times and ride the current storm .. through the swirling walls, through the eye ... through the swirling walls once more ... then out into the bright sunlight ... hey presto ....'

There appears to be two 'elder spirits' looking over her. Aware of her safety and her continued survival on Mother Earth. It is by way of connection to their partitions within the eternal universal mind that the intention is to theoretically discover when it is that Maddy will be returned.

They stand always close to her. At times she talks with them as if they are there in solid form close by to her. She is a bubbly, animated little girl at times. She runs and she plays but sometimes she tires very easily. She asks for her Daddy & Mummy quite often .. and those that are there with her though kind to her ... often lie and promise that it is 'tomorrow' that she will see her Daddy again. But they like her are controlled by an agenda. Held in place by the strict timetable of events that a higher superior insists they follow. The woman wishe that Maddy is returned to her parents. But she is ruled over by the man; he who often visits but is loyal to the cause that holds her in this stasis. There is still much to be achieved by those who hold Maddy hidden.

The two 'old dears' are not that far away ... always close at hand; impatient at the constant barrage of requests for her wellbeing. They train their thoughts .... creating the sense of impatience. Her life has not once been threatened ... this was revealed willingly at the start. But at no time since has there been cause for alarm. Intelligences have manipulated havoc in the minds of men ... deliberate actions to deceive and confuse. 'those trained at surveillance IF they'd got their finger out at the very start could have found this little girl. BUt that was not meant to happen because those at the core of the event; who wish for her to remain unfound are also in control of these surveillance agencies. It has been meant for her not to be found. It is all part and parcel of the mystery .... but when the time comes for her to reappear ... these agencies will 'find' her at the drop of a hat ...

"Looking around 17th October 2007 ....

The image of the Crescent Moon in the night sky ... symbolic only .... its image reflected on 'the tides of emotion' of the public minds as the campaign to find Maddy continues. Note the trail of crystals in the casting ... the circular motion around the one tiny blue crystal ... all the speculation and interest around one tiny bit of news or evidence or perhaps one communication? Something stirs in the minds of those who perpetrate this situation. Another storyline to somehow keep this plight in the forefront of the news with all the other events which are around in the world.

The Prime Of Staves & the Prime of Spheres signifies so much energy around the campaign. I hear 'ship ahoy' ... perhaps there is some more information appertaining to those forgotten sighting at sea? Sightseers to come forward with evidence ... distractions perhaps to whet the lips of those who further speculate?

The conflict between two sides or views epitomised by the Two of Weapons ... the pink stone of a child or a family ... the reflection of the crescent ... the the stone of 'birth' at the bottom of the circle of stones ... a sighting amid more media frenzy? Or more hype merely to sell tabloid copies? Something else unfolds it seems .... out of the blue ... the colour blue literally. A new phase is 'born' ... a new ways and means to capture people's attention. I am wary as always .. as something obvious is hidden by smokescreens once more. Someone is clearly seen to know more about the situation than they are permitted to say. Another freudian slip again hastily covered up perhaps?

The 3 of Staves signifies the established strength of the stance of the McCanns. Their legal battle to clear their name ... the 5 of Crescents depicts an unexpected hand or an unexpected turn of events. However this does not mean it isn't good news ... just perhaps not the confirmed good news we are all anticipating hearing. But remember, at any time; at any moment ... those who are the custodians of Maddy ... and those who are in control of those 'minnows' can make Maddy appear .... whenever they wish. It is in their hands to end this charade. However remember it is the watched kettle that never boils. Take attention away from this secretive campaign may just have the better effect that perpetuating the attention those higher powers desire!