Further Reading

Sunday 21 October 2007

"Cone Of Power"

The Cone of Power is one of the methods of working magic, and refers to a technique for focusing energy within a magickal circle. The circle acts as both lens and container for the energy of an individual or group, creating a "cone" shape before being released for particular purpose.

The cone is the shape of energy perceived by those sensitive to the energic currents. Churches also make use of this shape to direct energy heavenwards, with steeples situated over the altar, the nexus of energy raised by the congregation, concentrated by the priest and released. The witches' hat and magician's hat are reminders of the shape of this energy.

Most often, the Path of Dance and Path of Chant, two of the Eight Paths of the Craft, are used to "raise the cone of power". However, Paths of Meditation, Trance, Cords and the Great Rite, or combinations of any of the paths can also be used.

The basic energy is that of the human body, increased and channeled in accordance with Will.

In wiccan ritual, a whirling dance, starting slowly and building to a faster and faster movement, is accompanied by chant. The first "cone" in a circle is often at the commencement of the magickal work section of a circle.
It brings together the energies of the participants, bringing them into resonance, before the "work". A single practitioner of the art can raise this cone alone, though dance techniques other than a ring dance are used, especially ones which include rhythmic breathing such as the 2 x 4 and 4 x 4 patterns. The whirling dervish technique with the head thrown back is sometimes used.

Two practitioners can make use of polarity theory to more readily raise energy. This theory holds that energy moves from positive to negative (imagine filling a cauldron), so two people facing each other cycle energy within their own bodies, and then cycle energy between them.

Three practitioners form a pattern reminiscent of triskel designs in celtic art. As you add each person, the pattern will change and needs to be taken into account by the main person focusing the energy. If all are focusing the energy, clear agreement about how and when it is to be focused and released gets crucial.

The release is the trickiest part of raising the cone, requiring a sense of timing and an awareness of the level of energies. The "drop" or release is called when the energy peaks, and before it falls back

Like raising sexual tension and releasing it, the cone may plateau and drop slightly in energy before climbing to a higher peak. An inexperienced person may not know this or the group may only be able to raise a limited cone at first.