Further Reading

Friday 26 October 2007

Overt Review Says 70% have fallen for the 'They killed her' spin ...

Daily Star Headline 'McCann's Hiding Truth'; says: 'Most viewers who saw the McCanns’ tearful telly interview believe they are hiding a guilty secret about Madeleine’s disappearance. In a phone vote moments after the interview was screened nearly 70% of callers said they thought the couple were not telling the truth.

They thought GP Kate, 39, was shedding crocodile tears when she broke down describing how she felt “sad and lonely” without her daughter. The TV crew had to stop filming four times as she wept uncontrollably.

But Kate’s anguish failed to impress viewers watching the 30-minute interview on Spanish late night chat show 360 Degrees. She broke down as she told how her life felt incomplete without Madeleine, who vanished two days before her fourth birthday.

She said: “I feel sad and I feel lonely and our life is not as happy without Madeleine.”

But the couple were savaged in a phone vote afterwards. Only 30% thought they were being honest about what happened to their daughter, who vanished from their holiday apartment in Praia da Luz, Portugal, on May 3. The rest thought they were lying. And thousands more tore into the couple on internet websites.

One wrote: “I had an empty feeling inside when I was watching. It just did not look right. I desperately wanted to believe them, but I just couldn’t.’’

The McCanns agreed to the interview – the first since they were named suspects – so they could plug an international hotline they have launched to help find her. The journalist conducting the interview said Kate was “prostrate with pain”.

Last night the McCanns’ spokesman said: “We will not comment on any poll when its findings we believe are far from representative of the vast majority of people living in Spain or anywhere else.Everything that Kate and Gerry said in the interview was entirely true and was designed with one purpose – to ensure the safe return of their daughter.’’

IMO - IN My Opinion
I've got to say it ... I've felt the urge building all day. Excuse me whilst I get it off my chest .... 'bollocks!!!" .... I feel so much better now for that. Only 70% believing the wild goose trail 'spin' that the McCanns killed their own daughter eh? Methinks the whole point of this 'exercise' for someone somewhere was to judge just how extensive their operant conditioning of Europe's people is ... they wanted to see just what proportion of the populace had fallen for their media brainwashing since it genesis with 'the blood on the wall' balderdash ... which became the DNA blunderbuss ... they wanted to see how gullible Joe Public was .... still 30% not-believing ... well Mr Pied Piper your mesmerism isn't as good as you thought it was ... does this mean you will continue to insist that two innocent people killed their own daughter ... a daughter whom they tried so desperately to have; a daughter whom they absolutely dote upon; a daughter they and their entire family absolutely adore. Does it mean Mr Pied Piper that you must continue with the spin ... in order to press forward to go for the 100% believing? Is that your prime objective? What then? What will you intend to pull out of the hat then? All rabbits promised have turned out to be the stuffed and fake variety bought ever so cheaply along the Golden Mile along with the 'Kiss Me Quick' hats and the candy floss.

The McCanns may not be telling the whole truth. But what they might 'hide' is not that they are guilty of an accidentally on purpose killing. They are totally innocent of that alleged crime. What they hide in my opinion... is irrelevant and of no concern to the general populace, that I appear to glean. They know more about the true facts of the true investigation ... and no way will they jeapodise that trail due to the cruel and senseless scrutiny of the media weaponry at the disposal of the 'Lion' and his cabal dictatorship!

30% means there is still freewill alive and well. Alive and well just like little Madeleine McCann.