Further Reading

Saturday 27 October 2007

Crystallomancy (Crystal Ball Divination)

The Maya used the crystal which was sacred to the Sun God Tezcatlipoca and his temple walls were lined with mirrors. Apache Indians gazed into crystals, not only to discover if an expedition would be successful but to find the location of property and ponies stolen by other tribes.

Crystal ball divination became popular in Europe in the fifteenth century when it was believed that spirits or angels would appear in the glass. Rituals were long and complex. One in a sixteenth century manuscript included purification rituals as well as invoking protection from God and the good angels: ‘First say one Paternoster, one Ave Maria, one Creed, then say Vobiscum Spiritu, God of Abraham, God of Isaac, God Of Jacob, God of Elias . . . who hast given virtues to stones, woods and herbs, consecrate this stone.’

One of the most famous scryers was Sir John Dee (1527-1608) who was astrologer to Queen Elizabeth I. On November 21, 1582, he bought a crystal ‘as big as an egg, most bryght, clere and glorious’ and through this sphere he communicated with his angels. These not only gave him all kinds of knowledge, but, he believed, protected both the Queen and England. He called his crystal his ‘shew-stone’. It was not a clear crystal, but an obsidian, a stone through which light can be seen when held to the sun. It is said that this crystal provided forewarning of the Spanish Armada.

Although the crystal ball is the most mystical of all divinatory forms, it is quite accessible, whether you use a conventional sphere of deep blue or yellow beryl or clear crystal quartz, a household mirror or a clear glass, paperweight or even a large spherical glass such as a brandy glass.

Crystal Balls can be used as oracles of divination by those who are clairvoyant. They come in many sizes, shapes, colors, types of crystal, with varying inclusions that sometimes allow a psychic to see things within the images created by the crystal itself, or more to the point, use of a clear quartz crystal ball with few inclusions or imperfections, and watching holographic images appear within. "Within what?" you ask. Within the psychic's mind as guided by spirit or the client's soul imprint.

Psychics are generally attracted to the crystal ball they will use, based on the frequency of the crystal. As with any crystal, the larger the crystal ball, the stronger the energies and viewing area. Gazing into a clear crystal ball opens the third eye and allows the psychic to see images. As with all crystals that come into your life, the right crystal ball just seems to call to you. There is something in the frequency of the crystal that feels right.

To use the crystal ball, place the crystal ball on a stand on a table that has a clear surface. To begin the reading, some psychics have rituals, while others, such as myself, just gaze into the crystal ball and wait for images to appear. These images are produced by the third eye of the psychic. Images within the crystal ball may appear as stationary or move around as if viewing a hologram. Two people gazing into a crystal ball at the same time, may see different images.

As with all forms of divination, images often appear as archetypes, whose interpretation is left for the reader or the person having the reading. The larger the image appears in the crystal ball, the closer the timeline for it to manifest in third dimension, and the more significant the information. Images my appear stationary, or move about. They may appear two dimensional or holographic. If you cannot 'see' anything in the crystal ball at first, be patient and keep trying. At the very least a crystal ball will bring energies to the room in which it is placed.