Further Reading

Wednesday 3 October 2007

Daily Merlin: The Charioteer & The Three Of Weapons

Daily Merlin Insight (Using Servants of the Light Tarot)
Wednesday 3rd October 2007
10.30pm - 11:15pm

'Insights to see the situation around The Shining Star and the ongoing situation'

The first noticeable feature of this working is the shape of the crystal casting. Intuited as Maddy having been on the move. The path commencing from where The Chariot stands watching the observer. His worker bees behind the media gaining our attention with the recent reported sightings. From their the trail is intuited to have gone west. Two possible points of call after the first point, before a notable change of direction Almost due north ... this journey most certainly by sea. The crystal points certainly not to scale ... but the cluster around the image of the Star suggests landfall ... and travel then by land to the final crystal ...the pattern not an exact representation but an intuitive indication of her journey in recent times.

Curious once more we have the granite stone ... the sign of healing and illness. This I do not deduce as being related in anyway to the health of Maddy; though I sense wise hands undertake her custodianship who will surely have studied her needs perhaps in the weeks preceding her taking. The organisation and planning depicted here ... confirms this is not a random 'taking'.

I sense a house nearby to where Kate & Gerry were staying in Portugal observed their movements there. It is NOT the eyes of 'the Man with the Phone' ... these eyes are not his eyes; but eyes of someone further along from his premises. There are links here with a background net of organisation. One who has 'props and disguises' at hand to make anyone appear to be dressed as whoever they are meant to appear. There is deception and deceit implemented by The Charioteer ... clever organisations by someone who resides within ceremonial halls between black & white pillars ... secret societies with far reaching links and influences.

The Chariot is seen to oppose The Emperor (Gerry McCann)... with the Emperor reversed ... the Emperor is thus someone who is not one to share the views and directives of Gerry. Perhaps then a sworn foe or business adversary? The Emperor stands between the Chariot and the Maker of Staves ... the Maker is the carrier of the hand of the Unicorn (can this be the significator of Gerry's spokesperson ... one who links to the Unicorn?) ... thus the hint here is of the political agenda behind The Charioteer.

Note the 9 of Weapons which represents the swords in the backs of Gerry & Kate & their family. Something clearly contrived ... but is it at them personally; or were they chosen because of their professional career and their circumstances? It seems they were clearly studied for a while ... and it was an emotionless decision on the part of the unseen agencies to single out Gerry & Kate for this ordeal. Access appears therefore to have been gained to the case file histories of perhaps Gerry & Kate with certainty. Someone having knowledge therefore of their whereabouts, their activities and also the information appertaining to Maddy. Therefore someone involved in the 'abduction' has influences with regard to the records and files and background information of their professional and personal lives. This is someone who has linked close to them ... and perhaps still links close to them

To the left of the Chariot is the 3 of Weapons ... the three hands who oppose Gerry & Kate including the one hand who holds the Flaming Sword. Clearly I sense at least one of these three is known to Gerry & Kate ... the 5 of Weapons shows that there has been in a tension in the past between one sword (one person) and 5 others ... can this be a disciplinary board or some kind of 'legal disagreement'??? Revenge orientated motives are sensed here with the effect The Tower has had on their lives. It has been planned with military precision ....

The Fool represents the new chapter unfolding ... the emergence of the traveller from out of the dark unknown. It is linked to the 9 of Weapons and represents perhaps the hopes & the fears of the McCanns. Certainly the white rose of trust is being held by the traveller to perhaps represent the wishes of those who hold Madeleine to be trusted. Higher hands than they have control over the events. The custodians are powerless it seems to have any say in the matter. Those who drive the mystery onwards have no emotion ... have no conscience ... they see only the end result. The consequences of one child and her family have no bearing on them. It can be overlooked as a necessary evil in their minds. Maddy, Kate & Gerry are thus powerless pawns in a huge political battle. They are the chesspieces used it seems by powerful agencies to meet their own agenda. Those who were employed by these agencies to gain possession of Maddy (a powerful commodity ... hence her title of Shining Star & Flaming Sword) are as powerless as the McCanns. Those who hold her are prevented from speaking out or revealing. They are not able to reveal what they know .... until it becomes time for those powerful agencies to devise the script that is written into it all ... that chapter where Maddy is returned alive and well. This will not be the final chapter it seems ... for there are certain resonances beyond that point. Ominous trails planned, much like a trojan horse, that are centered around her safe return.

Out of sight, at the base of the working were two further images ... the User of Crescents and the 2 of Weapons. It seems that a 'character' has been deemed expendable ... a storyline unfolds that will seem to reveal another suspect. Some kind of 'peace offering' by the hidden agencies ... epitomised by the 'face in the moon' ... a smokescreen wrapped in the flurry of doves ... a peace envoy or some kind of negotiation ... the 2 of Weapons indicates some type of theory perhaps of who and why the abduction of Maddy took place. Perhaps it serves as another wild goose trail to keep the story alive ... or maybe it will be another ring of truth perhaps? Pinocchio hasn't been made redundant just yet. The trail heads into middle October it seems much the same as previous weeks ... but then something occurs? Something sensed as a powerful resonance. Future insights will explore what this may possibly be.