Further Reading

Thursday 25 October 2007

Daily Merlin: 'The Empress'

Daily Merlin Insight
Using The Servants of the Light tarot
10:15pm - 11:15pm
Thursday 25th October 2007

I've elected not to ask for a specific insight with regard to the insight tonight. The preparations for the working included sound waves set at 7.5Hz, 1.0Hz & 3.5Hz and a recent press release image of 'The Empress'. Also, set the significator of The Empress at the centre of the working beforehand.

I noted I had to 'dig in' deep within my crystal pouch. Something rooted deep in the symbolic sub-conscious needed to be coerced into coming out into the light. A distinctive pattern to the crystal casting .. some kind of 'creature' almost winglike in its shape ... I anticipate the sense of the bird taking to the wing ... bird on the wing .. free to soar unrestrained. Freedom and rising from the ashes like the phoenix. This is NOT the harbinger of any bad news. Let me be clear here with what I sense. This deep rooted 'information' does not relate at all the passing or death or anything to a child being lost. It is the sense of the anticipation in truth of a child being found. Impatience. Despair and sorrow turning to disappointment becoming such a powerful emotion it has turned back on itself. Hence the need for the bird to take to the wing and fly. Suppressed emotions are not healthy emotions. To the Empress ... a message of concern ... "let it out, don't hold back ... let all that suppressed emotion out .. cry, shout, scream ... you will feel better with all those psychic toxins released. There is no shame in crying. There is a need to cry ... it is nature's way of clearing the emotional body of its burdens in readiness for better things." Nobody should decry you that need to cry ...

The burden I feel which is carried is not shame or guilt or anything suspicious ... it is suppressed relief over all the years. The burden of disappointment carried ... the frustration of trying for a child ... the joy of receiving. The power of love ... has pushed that relief deeper and deeper inside ... at anytime that bird could have chosen to fly. It's chosen now ... permit that deep rooted trauma to be released. If there is a belief in reincarnation ... I sense something relating to hieroglyphics ... for that is what this pattern reminds me of. Lesson not learnt is lesson repeated. I sense there is the possibility of a close call deep in this past ... another child was very nearly taken? A fear or a concern or a phobia? There is trauma relating to a real fear being emanated here.

The impatience of the Empress ... to her right is the 8 of Weapons ... the locality of Maddy .. the place she resides. Surrounded by conflict ... apparent foes who are her custodians. Caring people who refute Maddy's right to be with her parents. There is a real sense of religious upbringing once more ... and a resignation now their tenure as Maddy's custodians is drawing to a close. The User of Staves ... and the indication of a sure fire message in no uncertain terms along the concealed network .. along the grapevine ... that Maddy must now be returned. There is a connection like a senior to a superior ... passing forth the instruction to provide the judgement to let Maddy go. There is embarrassment now within compartments of the same organisation ... this matter must now draw to a close.

At the bottom of the working ... the Fool's Gold and the Jasper ... indicating the so called stability of the illusion. It has somehow endured ... not an unstable cloak ... but a powerful and well worked Trojan Horse. But the instruction now is to let Maddy go. It is time she was returned back to her family. That reverberation echoes through the aethers. It is apparent now as the sun in the sky ...

The Magician is the will by that someone somewhere to generate the speculations and the events which generated the 'fear the worst' represented by the Devil. Taking the number 1 of the Magician to indicate now as the day 1 ... we must note the 15 of the Devil and the 16 of the Tower ... watch thus the change around in the storylines ... the shift in it all over the next 15-16 days ... from now until 10th November 2007. There seems a definite swing of the pendulum; a more favourable position for the swords of Damocles. The Tower is the imminent change ... the more welcoming circumstances for the Empress with regard to her Tower of Strength.

I hear in the back of my mind. I sense to my left. A number of voices ... 'Maddy to be returned' ... 'that is the foregone conclusion but what has not been considered is what she is being indoctrinated with during the last five months'. 'What has been said to her' and how will it effect her over the years.

Clearly in the future there will be 'laser treatment' to her eyes. A strong desire to remove the mark ... somewhere I hear it mentioned like a 'stigmata' ... a burden carried by her for some undetermined sins. She is not harmed in anyway ... but she is very intelligent. I defy claims she is autistic. From what I sense she is very very quick to learn. Ahead of her years. She has an eye for detail and has a photographic memory. Her and Kate are apparently like chalk and cheese but Maddy is a little different from what Kate was in her young years. I missed what was said what the difference is .... I get a sense of Edinburgh Rock? A packet of pieces of rock which appear like pieces of chalk. Who mistook a piece of coloured chalk for Edinburgh Rock and what is the relevance? Who is Clare ... perhaps Auntie Clare and does Kate have a fear of the dark? Soulful music I hear ... like Lionel Ritchie or Marvin Gaye and who plays a pretty good acoustic guitar? An angelic voice to sing but a little lacking in confidence to be heard above the din. A favourite blue dress and a red outfit which was not well liked ... old furniture burnt in the garden and the remains of the drawers placed with the rubble. A smoking pile of fertiliser stacked in the corner of a garden, a hug or two or three during an Autumnal Chill. Fireworks made for big wide eyes and a piercing yelp when they exploded. Annie ... on the other side ... holds up a picture of smiling faces everywhere ....... a large family unit. Between Glasgow and Edinburgh ... around Stirling ... or the wildlife park ... a house close by ... a old blue phone .. a classic car which resides in a seperate garage.

The child ... the child missed for so long ... across the cold sea she lives where she really doesnt belong; be strong be strong; she endures; destiny implores that hope is rekindled; don't lose sight of what your heart is saying; the bond between mother and child is strong; no other bond comes stronger; like twins the mind of mother and daughter be; mother shares with her telepathy; she knows inside she survives; listen to the heart and forget about human timing ...

Those who have the little girl are not meant to be found. Their locality will never be found. The little girl shall take to the road once more and where she is to be recovered from is many miles away from where she has been living. With her shall be a new favourite doll ... and the brightest of smiles even after all this time. Take heart that though for someone so young the time apart from family is such a long time ... know at such a young age time cannot be comprehended or measured, it is only those tied to those bindings who are aware how long it is ... for her time is the kettle left unattended. The little child is alive ... very much alive ...