Further Reading

Monday 1 October 2007

Daily Merlin Insight - Recurring Themes

Daily Merlin Insight (Using Merlin Tarot)
Monday 1st October 2007
10:40pm - 11:00pm

'Insights into the current location of Madeleine McCann; indications of her surroundings and her circumstances'

A number of the elements from previous insights are once more appearing here. The moon ... seen at various times under the guise of the Crescents ... the deceptions and the illusions being cast relating to the mystery. Indeed the trail is 'the path of the Moon' ... the path of Yesod ... illusion ... reflections of the truth. Thus it serves this moment well for the Moon image to appear. Because clearly there are two 'creatures' here ... the 'crying wolf' and the quiet & observant hound. But which side of the trail do we believe? Are both depections or is one the truth? It would seem the 'crying' wolf is the PJ and all the current speculations entail ... and perhaps the hound representative of the 'true' investigation.

Therefore if this is the case ... might we presume this duality relates to the true locality of Madeleine McCann? We currently hear now about Morocco .. I sense this is part of the path of Yesod ... the cries of the wolf? Might we learn the truth as to where 'the tower of strength' (seen behind the wolf) really reside? Might these speculations be hiding where Madeleine resides? Note how calm the waters are in the pool at the base of the steps between the two creatures. For Kate & Gerry seemingly things may now begin to appear ... the face of the moon is feminine here ... in other insights it was a masculine aspect of the moon.

We see too the young salmon ... the trail back to its roots? On its way back home ... to the country of its birth? If it is not already there. Note the King of Beasts beside this image ... wearing the antlers which appear in so many other insights. The Badger ... to the right ... the sign of medicine and healing (another reoccurring theme here) .... might we glean (again) that Madeleine resides under the protection of someone in the medical profession ... and the reason for her 'abduction' something perhaps attributed to the reasons behind her birth? Might her abductor actually relate to someone who was involved with the McCanns around the time of her birth? Or even with the procurement of the method of her birth? Might there be disapproval from this doctor? The image of the King of Beasts ... is perhaps someone who no longer practices medicine anymore .... who's attitude towards the McCanns is cold and negative, because the landscape this gentleman appears to reside in is that of a cold and wintry land. I take this also as a physical description of the actual place he lives ... a place no stranger to snow on the ground ... this gentleman may well be one of the custodians of Madeleine but I sense he is not the original perpetrator. This individual will know this gentleman ... they link together through media, research and his country of residence's government?

We have the Chariot once more ... at the top of the working. The charioteer driving the speculative campaign and all the deceptions on and on. Taking us all in a different direction to where the young salmon now resides. Actually across 'the stream' along which the salmon travels (the salmon can be seen in the stream in front of the chariot). Still the charioteer deliberately deceives us with his smokescreens. He is too highly placed to be stopped or prevented until he chooses to end this slurs. He is in contact with those who hold Madeleine and who use the whole situation for their own ends.

Justice depicts the woman who holds the sword and the chalice ... the woman who is the custodian surely of Madeleine? The sword in the hand of a woman is another recurring theme in recent insights. The fact she is the Justice image indicates the revenge perhaps? Or her links to spheres of judiciary and law enforcement? Her sphere of influence in it all. Behind her is the blue dragon and the red dragon of the blood lines ... genetics ... and family connections. She is well placed and also known perhaps to the McCanns?

The Page of Serpents indicates the true search for Madeleine behind the scenes. The young dragon in the foreground is the symbolic insight that Maddy is indeed alive. She is the youngster of the red dragon bloodline symbolically.

The crystal casting gives insight possibly into the region or place where Madeleine resides. Two green stones indicate the trust and the caring which is around her. There are two pink stones ... there are indicates of a 'caring mother figure' ... maybe even more than one. A mother superior perhaps? Because there seems to be devote followers of a faith. Links to the medical profession too indicated by the two granite stones. The black stone of secrecy falls on one ... therefore one who is in perhaps regular contact with Maddy does not wish this truth be known. Because there may well be a direct link to Kate & Gerry. Through where they may have worked at one time ...???

Nowhere in any of this insight is there a sense of anyone meaning Madeleine any harm. There is a sense of impatience and frustration ... this appears to have been drawn out longer than intended. The face of the moon bearing the whip .. to crack it to instill some urgency in proceedings. A definite time frame. 'A sprat to catch a mackerel, but if the mackerel isn't biting then the fisherman must remain patient at all times ...'

The taste of salt on the air perhaps where Madeleine walks and plays. A window overlooking an ornamental garden. A bay window with double doors opening out onto a slate patio? A cool chill on the air now ... as autumn gathers momentum.