Further Reading

Sunday 21 October 2007

Daily Merlin: Insights on the 8 of Weapons

Daily Merlin Insight
Sunday 21st October 2007
10.30pm - 11:30pm

'Insights around the 8 of Weapons. A working to possibly determine more insights relating to the likely surroundings where The Shining Star currently resides.'

The preparations for the working include the Star image placed within the working with the 8 of Weapons overlaid. A press release digital image to act as the link ... plus 'delta' sound waves of 0.3mhz, 0.8mhz & 1.3mhz to enhance concentration ....

In each of the castings I draw the most likely shape which the crystals make ... a glyph or magic symbol to spark the super sub-conscious into action. A representation of the symbolism which the higher mind uses for communication. Each and very casting is unique. An experiment ... a trial and a tribulation.

From this working I can behold that The Observer appears to be kept at an arm's length from the truth. The locality is immersed in confusion with so much apparent complexity to it all. There seems so many layers to unravel ... that's the way this working feels as I skirt along on the outer layer as if I was the very observer which this mystery is intended to feed. It appears impossible to gain a sense of where Maddy resides. This is how I feel it is intended. This is not profound or a psychic insight ... it is merely stating an obvious fact. We are not meant to know where Maddy is hidden. We are meant to believe the media stories which we are force fed each and every day.

Applying intuition to the above working. Where the 5 of Staves lies in the working ... this represents the place where Maddy was when she disappeared. The 5 of the image suggests the 5th month perhaps ... that of May when she disappeared ... at the base of the card is the lone pink stone ... I intuit thus that the blue line drawn to be the compass direction from where she disappeared to where she now perhaps resides. The working is based on her possible current locality thus the reason I make this assumption.

Thus the line travels in an almost north-easterly direction, through Spain, perhaps ... there is a junction at the base of the 8 of Weapons ... perhaps a change of direction ... two directions hints at a possible decoy; some false trail laid down to avert the attention away when Maddy recently travelled once more. This working assumes the trail of Maddy after Malta led her back to the Portuguese/Spanish border after a journey which led her north-east of Malta (possibly to Italy).

Interestingly, to the left of the Star is the image of Strength ... the lady in white seen to be healing the red lion. The card of determination and defiance ... the stance taken by those close to Maddy who refuse to crumble. The Lady in White perhaps Kate McCann who is indeed a 'healer of the land of the lion' (the lion = the UK) ... she stands firm and defiant. Undaunted by all the pressure on her; feeling the strain but refusing to crack in the way those who concoct this mystery intend.

To the right of the 8 of Weapons/The Star is the Maker of Weapons. The creator of 'the sword' ... its tempering in the forge to transform the sword into its flaming counterpart ... its 'alter ego'. Close by there is the 'eye' stone ... this combination an enigma .. perhaps the enigma behind it all ... as it appears to represent the event or the reason why Maddy was transformed from 'the sword' into the 'flaming sword' and her distinctive eye pattern became known by so many around the world. Certainly not by chance ... or by cruel coincidence ... but contrived by someone who appears to have known the significance ... and had the resources close at hand to pass the significance on ... that moment forth Maddy's life would never be the same again.

The crystal closest to the Star image of most significance is located in the 'compass direction' of north-north-west from where Maddy disappeared. I sense this locality indeed lies further north than Spain and France ... the crystal lies close to the 3 of Staves .... the card of established strength .. I glean it is representative of the three custodians who look after Maddy on a daily basis. The Keeper of Spheres perhaps indicative of the link to the McCanns one or more of the custodians have ... the 'gemini twins' in the background of the image perhaps representative of the 'two faced' nature which one of the custodians has with regard to their interplay with Gerry & Kate. Interestingly, the sphere which the figure wrapped in the white gown holds appears to have a bee within its centre ... thus I glean this persona indeed has a link and an influence with the worker bees of the media ... some control and some authority over what or what doesn't get reported within the media relating to this mystery. This character appears to be able to travel the network route from north to where Maddy resides ... and judging by the crimson crystal at the base of the image ... the persona seems to experience firsthand the frustration and the anger felt by the McCanns. The white cloth around the mid-drift hints at the sense of 'whiter than white' ... this person cannot possibly be linked to her disappearance can they? Surely not? Remember the gemini-faces ... and realise there is someone capable of double crossing ... and hiding what they know from those close to the core of the quest to find Maddy.