Further Reading

Wednesday 24 October 2007

Daily Merlin: Localities

Daily Merlin (Using the Servants of the Light Tarot)

24th October 2007
NZ 9:50pm - 10:51pm
Instinctively there seems the need to revisit 'tarot divining' to explore the localities of PORTUGAL, SPAIN, MOROCCO, FRANCE & the UK/EIRE ... with regard to likely localities where Maddy could possibly reside with her custodians ... where is Maddy most probably residing at this moment in time?

Three tarot images will be chosen by usual means for each of the four localities in turn ...

... Emperor, User of Spheres, The Priest .... instinctively we seek 'the Star' or any other familiar symbol which relates to Maddy. Here we are faced with three characters which relate to characters that reside elsewhere other than Portugal. The Emperor ... the significator for Gerry McCann; the User of Spheres which relates to possible travels after her disappearance on the 3
rd May; the Priest ... the 'Wounded Healer' ... none of these symbols suggest Maddy is currently in Portugal.

Spain ... 10 of Spheres, The Empress, Maker Of Staves
... again we seek the Star or similar symbols. We receive The Empress which is the significator for Kate McCann .. and the Maker of Staves which appears like the spokesperson for the McCanns ... but neither of the characters reside in Spain ... though their focus appears partly in Spain with regard to current media stories. The 10 of Spheres appertains to the focus and the attention and the previous sightings which have now disappeared for view under the weight of recent media stories. It seems the 10 of Spheres adds weight to the 'most likely' theory ... but I intuit Maddy does not reside in Spain at this time ... even though I sense of communications via media worker bees to the Maker of Staves which seem to have caught the Unicorn's attention. There is interest in Spain it seems. A possibility for information ... all the more chance of hoaxes ... to surround possible 'sightings' in the future ... but not in the now. It seems the perfect cover for Maddy to be taken from a current locality to Spain in the future (perhaps not that far away) ... for the custodians true locality to remain hidden? Some subterfuge through confusi
on is being planned ... more salt please vicar.

Morocco ....The Empress, 2 of Crescents, The Magician ... again, we seek sign of the Star or similar symbolism. We are meant again with The Empress ... a cool calm consideration here in the light of previous 'sightings' ... the 2 of Crescents suggests 'not been here lately but has been here in truth' ... because the card relates to the path of the moon and the deceptions in which to hide a trail and the hidden depths of the case. The Magician is clearly the 'magical display' or the conditioning being applied to disguise what is clearly before the eyes ... a case of the emperors new clothes or being convinced by mesmerism that a glass of plain water truly tastes like sweet exquisite wine ... nothing is what it seems at all with the latest round of 'media drinks' ... stand undaunted .. and realise ... she is not in Morocco either but there is a trail from there which quite possibly has now gone cold ... after all it seems all the media distraction meant for the trail to run cold!

France ...The Devil, Maker of Crescents, 8 of Spheres ... nothing of any clear indication of any attention focussed in France. The Maker of Crescents appears as if Maddy may have passed through France overland at one time ... perhaps ... the Devil indicates perhaps during the period of 'face the worst fears' during August ... at the height of the distractions Maddy seems to have travelled over land ... the 8 of Spheres and the basket of eggs ... hints of the PJ and the media speculation of too much time with all eggs in that one basket ... there were a multitude of leads which SHOULD have been acted on but were discarded because the PJ were only running with the leads appertaining to the false accusations of her being dead. These trails in France are now stone cold ... during August it seems something of merit was suppressed ....

UK & EIRE ... These were how the cards were chosen ... seven cards left in the middle pile. The back of the card in the 'odd one out' position ... reversed with the other two piles upright ... one card discarded with three cards for UK and three cards for Eire ... the discarded card was The Star ... this symbolism could not be disregarded ... the 'first sign' of the Star ... after routine and methodology ... thus it is necessary not to disregard all lines of enquiry when it leads to the UK Mainland ... for it is the most unlikely or the least feasible from which will arrive something substantial ...

Instinct tells me the net is closing in but attention is averted away from where the eyes that seek really look. Note the 'Eye Stone' at the bottom right ... and the link to the stones which fell on the Star card. Major ground breaking progress ... seems to have taken place ... or we may well be right on the threshold of something significant taking place. A clear couple of stones ... a 'couple' under investigation ... one a mother and the other a sign of the earth .. some indication to warrant the move away from 'facing the worst' ... those two stones have fallen on the reverse of the Devil.

Nothing solid ... more translucence .. but clear sense here that Maddy indeed resides somewhere in the UK or Eire at this moment in time ... but there are plans for her to be moved hence the way that the Star image was unearthed. More mesmeric effects from the Magician as events are moulded and shaped ... to a new campaign. The Giver of Staves and the 3 of Spheres ... the involvement of the spokesperson with regard to the campaign ... new directives and new statements ... the spokesman appears in the image at the top left to be approached by someone of Moroccan or African attire ... apparently with information ... the 3 of Staves is an interview or a declaration .. linked to the 8 of Staves and a major hurdle overcome ... a breakthrough on its way .. aided by the efforts of 'the crown' ... a new meadow on which to travel along ... new shoots to break into bloom .. but that does not indicate prolonging this until Spring ... realise it is currently Spring over here in NZ, from my perspective the events are unfolding between now and mid-December ... there is something which clearly will be said or undertaken. Something that relates to how Maddy was taken ... by whom Maddy was taken ... and revelations of the most likely suspect ... it seems that true evidence will be known if not already but it is not revealed because it will have compromised the investigation ...

That which we read in the news is old hat ... has been ... contrived and deliberately misleading ..... to ward away suspicion by the abductors ... so intelligence can wander invisible to the place they now know so well ... a matter of time before they pounce but weeks before they announce she is safe and well. Thus the speculation she is dead must endure to hide like a shell the truth beneath the table ... we are forced to believe the speculation ... when the truth is so much more positive ... but how then to bring it out in the open and effect the 360 degree turnaround from death to life ... because intelligence know for sure Maddy is indeed alive ...

The hardest thing is to effectively predict the exact timing when Maddy will re-emerge ... it is tomorrow in truth ... but when is tomorrow ... it is any day that follows the day currently i ... or days after that? They say tomorrow never comes ... but tomorrow will become today and in today's headline news the banner ... Madeleine Alive ... Madeleine Safe ... or words to that effect ... I see it so clearly .... across all the tabloids ...