Further Reading

Friday 26 October 2007

Daily Merlin : The Major Swing

Daily Merlin Insight
Navigators of the Mystic Sea Tarot
Friday 26th October 2007
11:00pm - 11:41pm

Without distraction now. The focus a current media photograph. A gaze now at the situation by way of an overview. My mind opening its doors ... grateful now if the connections come'

Commencing from the tiny shell to the right of 'Suspension' is a major swing or shift in direction. A significant curve in the road ahead. As was anticipated the move now is from death to life ... from speculation Maddy was dead to a path which will lead to growing evidence Maddy is indeed alive.

Tiny shell .. tiny stone of communication. Titbits initially ... a slight trickle in the early stages ... then some bigger communication maybe ... however it appears that this is where we may be at in the current time; there is a stone of frustration and apparent 'ill health' beside the communication stone ... alongside the announcement by the campaign 'spokesman' there is one persona apparently frustrated and annoyed and another who's mental stability is questioned. That is where we are at today is it not? Or is this in truth more of the same to come ..?

Moving to the end of the trail ... there is the black stone of secrecy and concealment ... I assume this relates to 'the biggest secret' of all ... what happened in truth to Maddy? The card of Aeon to its right depicts a character musing in the foreground .. ignorant of the activity in the background. The 'realisation' is to come it appears ...

The 6 of Swords atop the three card pillar ... the momentum and the change ... the swords of Damocles swinging now barely reach the figure now at all ... the direction is very much under the characters control ... in a different direction to the one anticipated by the 5 other swords. Across the channel the figure leads ... note there is a sense now of attention being focussed once more away from where the true investigation is. Eyes of the character of the Aeon are on a horizon different to where all the commotion is taking place. Thus watch ... where the media attention causes its usual loud and over-the-top commotion ... know that is not where the truth really is at. The truth is somewhere else ... known by those personalities who are seen to be apparently disinterested by all the carnival frenzy!

The Page of Swords indicates a figure climbing out of the cleft stick it found itself in. A bird is seen to rise out of the valley below ... its plight catching the attention of the climbing bearer of the sword.

To the left and a pillar denoting someone who is feeling secluded ... and isolated from the other side of the family depicted by the right hand pillar. Left out and locked out. Immersed in the emotions and not privy to the information which the other side has to hand. Feeling the distance and feeling that something is not what it seems. But knowing that the other side ... that other pillar cannot be entirely trusted. Aware that the 'goalposts' have shifted ... apparently unable to cope ... very protective of her other two young children who are still very reliant on her. Using her powers of reason and rational thinking she appears to be able to understand what it is that is going on. The Two of Cups indicates the coming together of two minds somehow ... a meeting with someone she can most truly trust ... a friend and a confidant ... a journey perhaps to somewhere like Southport or even on the Wirral (Bromborough perhaps?). There appears much to be gained from the sharing of an afternoon 'high tea' though the urge could be for something stronger ... there is a relevant meeting here it seems.

The central image of 'Art' ... the coming together somehow of the two opposing sides ... the time in the future when after a while of their being two parallel storylines ... there can only be one from thereon. There is a definite 'anvil' of control placed deep. Suggestions and impressions. Keywords ... called something else but just as ominous as 'mind control'. A sense that the Charioteer is behind all this subterfuge ... all the deceptions. Deliberately to hide 'the man with the torch' ... the man who bore the arrows ... the directives which led to 'the paths of the arrows' along which Maddy was taken during her time of concealment. There has been more than one locality in which to hide her. Those behind her disappearance appear to have many 'mansions' in which to conceal her ... plus a team of clever intelligence to hide the trail within. The man with the torch appears to be he who Maddy was handed to ... who took Maddy to concealed safety that night ... there is a clear screen wall that hides the events of that night. A clever decoy permitting this man plenty of time to get her away from the place ... before ever the alarm was raised ... the pressure appears somewhere between the two pillars to somehow keep this decoy firmly in place .... it is perhaps better then that the left pillar is ignorant perhaps of this reality .,.. but perhaps becoming mindful that certain individuals in the right pillar have more understanding of this decoy and the mechanisms behind Maddy's disappearance ... than they let on. It seems someone of the left pillar has connections which could unearth it all ... if it ever came to light.