Further Reading

Tuesday 30 October 2007

Daily Merlin: A to Z then Z to A again

Daily Merlin Insight
Navigators of the Mystic Sea tarot
Tuesday 30th October 2007
10:20pm - 11:15pm

'Insights relating to current circumstances based on an open channel' ..

Crystal 2 is my 'deceit/deception' stone (it appertains to affairs and unfaithfulness - but we don't need to go there with that meaning in this mystery) ... it has fallen in the immediate past position. Anything to the left of the vertical red line denotes the past. It almost straddles the line and appertains to the change in the 'storyline' which has just occurred fairly recently. The Card it is cast on is 'Destiny' ... the card of equilibration ... it is 'The Wheel of Fortune' in other words. Same card different deck .. same card as in the insights earlier this evening. As is the Lovers ... the harmonising in the future on which the bulk of the crystals have fallen ... 3, 4, 5, 6 & 7 ... a sequence of events apparently to take place in the very near future ... all close together and quite quickly.

The 7 of Cups ... the delusions of the past appear now to fall behind us ... 7 months in total to fall behind us .... that is what appears to be indicated here ... I can interpret the image of the 6 of Pentacles (compensation) relating to the news story that Gerry & Kate used the fund to help with their mortgage payments in the past (if they did ... so what ... )

The other image relating to the immediate past is the Universe ... someone appears to be watching their back ... being followed or watched relating to events taking place in the past. This seems quite favourable. There is a fan being held in the left hand of this individual ... to keep them cool .. to continue to be cool in a difficult situation or is it because the heat appears to be on them? All around the world the been beamed so there is limited places this person can go once their identity is revealed. This changes in the near future ... as there is presence is part of the variance in the mystery indicated by the 7 of Pentacles. Right where the trail of stones comes to and end ... right up to date on the 9th stone ... I intuit within the 7th month of the mystery which suggests within November ... this will become apparent ... as suspicions are raised on other personas in this mystery ... and the entire aspect changes with I sense a true positive sighting ...

Because right in the middle of all the activity is THE STAR once again. Appearing within a third casting in two days. The Star makes its presence known ... not quite unexpectantly because it is the image being sought. Stone 8 touches the side of the card ... a piece of granite ... the link to healing or medical profession once more. The sense again of the mentality of those who hold Maddy. Somewhere between the 7th month & the 8th month there seems a positive sighting ... the 8th month of this mystery is December. The stones trail ends at the 9th stone ... 9th month ... January? For some reason it falls some distance from the other stones in the trail .... a chain of events leading to the 8th stone and December .... the 2 of Swords is the concurrence ... there is a middle person ... someone who links the McCanns to whom is in possession of Maddy it seems ... could this indicate the comprehension of this person's identity ... and the understanding of where the trail leads? With a sense here of a maritime or naval connection ... certainly ownership of more than one boat. A company who is involved with boats. Much travelling is sense via sea in around the Channel ... down the side of Spain and round into to the Mediterranean sea. This is a shipping link ... haulage or delivery .. amongst other things. The link to these connections may not be in this profession but it aware of who is ... a fragile set of circumstances for this individual ... a sense of keeping out of the deep water by pure skill alone.

The image of the Star relates Maddy to when she was still a wee bairn (not my expression ... but one a woman who links with me from the other side. Linking perhaps to Gerry's side of the family. I sense connections within a maximum radius of an hour's drive from Loch Ness. Perhaps this in fact links to further north. But this woman wore a tatty brown shawl or cloak). She is aware of when Maddy was still in a cot ... still a young child. Around the time when Maddy was still in the cot someone became aware of Maddy then and took note; perhaps even this relates to circumstances which unfolded at that time or slightly sooner. BUt certainly Maddy's distinction became known. Whoever calls the shots ... whoever now plays the Pied Piper's fiddle ... knows of links that takes more than one child away. It is not a Pedo ring ... though this person has links to these places. Similar channels appear to have been used with regard to Maddy ... but for a different purpose.

She appears to be as a retainer ... discover the links and the fear of the Devil does the rest ... nothing more fearful than fear itself. The connections ... 'the host were not permitted to touch the young girl' .. a cryptic connection I received by human means several months ago, amongst other things, by someone I sense may have been linked. Information I retained and kept quiet until now.... but it is after the event ... the Giver of Weapons appears to have passed Maddy on ... that channel or network connection purely and simply the means of someone influential to sneak Maddy from A to Z then back to A again undetected. There is great influence involved in this situation ... and places of authority told to turn a blind eye. A hint dropped in the media or investigation that suggests a link to these appallingly sickly connections. Let fear do the rest ... suggest Maddy is linked to these places ... and let operant conditioning of the populace do the rest. Cries of something must be done will sound quiet loudly ... hey presto the role of the Giver of Weapons comes to an end ... Maddy has not be subjected to the tortures of these places ... I feel that most definitely. She has been kept safe and untouched. Unharmed ...

There is an underworld the exists within and below the world's of politics and medicine and even religion. So much is at stake here ... Maddy's distinctive eye pattern cannot be disregarded as a possible figurehead and portend for persona's influential ... something prompting her taking to order that has been claimed in current press.

Maddy's well being and acceptable habitation is outlined in the images that flash before my mind. There was never any intention to harm her by those who have been her custodians at either end. In the Emerald Green shore I sense those who subject themselves to strict vows have been involved. Killing and torture of a young child is not in their make up. Loving care because of her significance will have been their order of the day ... at the other end of the trail a similar thing seems to have been the reality. This other end appears to have been mountains on the border between Spain and Portugal ... some kind of order retreat owned by a corporation or by business person in the Emerald shore who has links to with the places elsewhere which have figured in this mystery (Malta, Morocco ... and maybe even Lesotho ... but that would be a financial connection through dealings with diamonds, gold and other less honest commodities) ... dirty linen cleaning treads on so many toes. Governments are involved in this massive clean up operation. One such compartment involved in the taking of Maddy ... the reason why it was Maddy chosen could have been a vindictive or revengeful act ... but I still do comprehend every so powerfully Maddy is returned alive and well at the end of this ordeal for Gerry & Kate, their family and their friends.

Fingers crossed the 9th month of the mystery is the longest it goes on ... my breath is bated because spirit connections are the hardest things to pinpoint an exact date accurately.