Further Reading

Tuesday 2 October 2007

Daily Merlin: The Wounded Healer Persona


Daily Merlin Insight (Using the Servants of the Light tarot)
Tuesday 2nd October 2007
10:25pm - 11:25pm

'Insights into "The Wounded Healer", possible indications of the identity of this persona?'

A sense of a personality reading newspapers in the early morning; sitting within a spacious glass conservatory. Sitting on an almost wicker chair amid the clutter of many other chairs of the same. Down first and early before others arrive. Next aware of the busy confusion of a hospital corridor? A slight limp and perhaps a problem negotiating stairs? Pronounced injury to a leg? Whistling a tune wandering along a corridor ... the picture of innocence until arriving behind a closed office door. There is the 'operations' room ... pictures, cuttings ... photos on hard drives. Scouring the internet watching .................. Linking to medical profession not just in England .. but also in .............................. (section withheld)............................ He is on the phone in contact with those close to the hidden location. He takes many calls from influential people as he is involved in many other things.

One of the '9' appears to know the Wounded Healer .. has had dealings with him ... on more than one occasion it seems?

For a third time the name is 'Brendan' ... (section withheld) .... This is a very professional man with considerable links?

This gentleman is quite wary. Careful. He witnesses the reflection of the crescent on the 'tides of human emotions' like he is merely a tabloid reader too. He is not directly involved with the deceptions and the misleading speculation. But he is aware of the 3 of Crescents which is the Birth Card. He seems to know to the reasons why epitomised by the Justice card and th e2 of Staves. This Gentleman could perhaps shed light on the mystery. But who is he? A check on connections at the time of Madeleine's birth could perhaps lead to conceiving this gentleman? He is a lynch pin and an opinion for the agents of the Lion ... he is perhaps eminent within the organisations of Healers epitomised by the Strength card ... on a board that sits in review? Or a lecturer or consultant? Somewhere around him are the contacts that could lead to the hidden location where Madeleine resides ...

The 10 of Spheres and the Prime of Spheres indicate the preplanned stages hidden behind a pact of silence ... a professional vow ... possibly because these motives are advocated by this gentleman. Perhaps, more profoundly he is somehow funding the operation that keeps Madeleine hidden ... friends in high places require his support to further their cause. The covert and cunning reason why it was Madeleine who was sadly targetted in the first place. Their 'operation' needed a 'child of the sun' (the sun stone crystal on the Prime of Spheres) ... as there is religious significance around this mystery. Four business operations involved ... perhaps within the fields of media, law enforcement, medical etc ... which has involvements and links even in Portugal. Because one of these links ... has influence and power in Portugal. It is this 'compartment' which controls the PJ it seems. Anything thus to conceal and to confuse to keep investigators off the scent.

Nine of Staves represents the delays experienced which appears to prolong this situation .... bringing in more and more frustration.

The 'Wounded Healer' ... the Priest at the centre of the working ... walks the black and white tiles of ceremonial events ... holding a significant office. He travels often ... by boat ... to Malta even (perhaps) ... He seems to hold the keys which could unlock this case. He holds in his possession a dossier of information that relates to Madeleine ... and to other case histories too. We may never actually officially learn the identity of this man. His contacts exist above the law ... and may well ensure he remains obscure.

Other insights .... appertaining to the Justice card .. relate to Gerry & Kate successfully proving their innocence. All the heartache and suffering of the past two months relating to the false accusations ... the malice of those who are at the core of Madeleine's disappearance ... the sword of damocles with its tip in their back ... influential figures flexing their muscles ... stalling tactics and wasting time ... waiting for a hidden agenda to slot into place. Know these influences can seemingly make Madeleine 'appear' at will. But there is a 'mutiny' even within their ranks. Compassion exists ... and it is this compassion in the end ... a female energy ... which will most surely end this mystery. A mother herself ... someone who will make contact with Gerry & Kate ... seemingly innocently in the weeks to come ... because this woman is embittered regarding how her 'associates' are terrorising the McCanns.