Further Reading

Monday 22 October 2007

Daily Merlin

Daily Merlin Insight (Using Servants of the Light tarot)
Monday 22nd October 2007
10:00pm - 10:44pm

'With regard to the "Tapas 9" being brought back into the media focus ... insights to perhaps indicate the role (if any) the group played in the disappearance of Maddy. Insights to glean if their is anything remotely suspicious with regard to this "group" of friends'

First intuition reveals a close circle of individuals indeed. Very loyal and very supportive. Something very significant is being hidden behind the legendary pact of silence I feel ... but I sense almost 100% it is NOT the death of Maddy. That does not come into the equation here at all.

Initially I'd been left with 10 cards for this working of 9. Therefore one card had to be discarded ... randomly ... the Star card was discarded. Thus I take this symbolically as taking the accusations with regard to the 'demise' of Maddy out of the equation. Her death is not 'on the cards' ... is not what the intuited insights reveal as I've been adamant of ever since May 2007.

This is something else. Something poignant indeed. At the base of the central card - The Prime of Staves - there is a clump of 6 stones ... one of which is Fool's Gold ... the marker of the illusion around this group. There is also a fragment of Turquoise which suggests the real need for 'protection' ... protection of dialogue, protection of whereabouts. Protection I feel to prevent jeapodising the safety of Maddy.

There is some knowledge of truth behind the path of illusion epitomised by the image of the Moon. It is not my intention to delve here into this protective shell ... it is out of necessity ... and it borders on the true path the investigation is leading. I gain once more the insight that the truth is not what the media reports. There is a major cover here ... a false trail like a decoy to lead all attention away from the path that leads to the User of Crescents, the 8 of Weapons and the Maker of Weapons .... what I have gleaned as being 'the cause of the disappearance' ... 'the locality' of Maddy and 'those involved' in her 'abduction' ... these points seem not to be available for public scrutiny. Quite rightly they are private and personal to those at the core of the mystery ... the real grass roots, the nitty gritty of what is going on.

It seems someone within the media world is trying to set the instrumentation to attempt a delve into this inner core ... and make it available for public scrutiny. This someone somewhere will not let go on its modus operandi .... the insinuations that the McCanns were responsible for the death of their daughter and also the insistence that Maddy is dead .... when in truth the reality is somewhere 360 degree opposite. The knowledge of Maddy's survival appears to emanate like a rising fog from the central Prime of Staves ... the group around the table that night. Connections existed there that link with the symbolic Unicorn and with one of the worker Bees. The group seems to have well established links with the 'living breathing persona of the tree' ... a living tree ... they appear to share a mutual philosophy or belief structure or even psychology. There is something powerful about this group. Significant. A significance which appears to threaten the existence of other 'living breathing trees' ... perhaps one such tree contains the certain someone somewhere ... but that tree is much older and less dynamic as the energy which encapsulates this tree which the Tapas 9 are part of.

There seems jealousy and fear directed at the McCanns and the rest of the group from somewhere. There is an understanding or a wisdom which emanates from the group present in Portugal that night ... which is a mystery ... the Tower is the sense of the imminent change which this group could enact when the timing is right.

Also the Justice and the 2 of Spheres ... these indicate the imminence of change that is afoot ... perhaps in the future weeks ... not necessarily relating to the case solely. But also to what the group can bring in should they meet with no resistance? There is something significant about the word 'research findings' and 'prototype' I sense here ... for some reason.

The Tower is representative of 'the tower of strength' combining the Tower and the Strength seen along the bottom. The lady in white deemed as Kate ... the tower of strength her broach ... her talisman for Maddy. Between the two the 2 of Spheres indicates the scales changing for the better with regards to Kate ... with regard to news of Maddy ... I sense strongly so much information suppressed ... and misquoted in order for someone somewhere to drive home the mind set it desires which is currently created by the prevailing news stories ...

The pattern of the crystals indeed suggests we are being cleverly distracted by the news. Drawn along stepping stones and avenues someone powerful desires us along. Our refusal to accept 'Maddy's death' and to realise those news stories of such are indeed fables ... will prove to be the spanner in the works. Stepping back from fearing for the worst ... stepping away from the stance of accusation,which has been manufactured by operant conditioning by this someone somewhere ... would really stop this mind controlling campaign in its tracks I feel. It has gone on for too long, driving us round and round in circle ... parallel tracks towards the fox's ultimate goal .... a dilly dally until something sinister is truly in place ... a trojan horse indeed.

For two months now we've been subjected to the claim that Maddy is dead. Two months of nail biting tension and cruel torment for the McCanns. The pattern of crystals hints it will end ... for symbolically the fragment of Fools Gold appears to have become smaller ... but once it ends what will come next? Thus it seems that this revived focus on the Tapas 9 is all part and parcel of this ever spiralling vortex of shimmering cloud from the Pied Piper's cloud making machine. For the Pied Piper it seems his powers of mesmerism by his use of worker bees is not what it was ... and there seems to be undertones of new regime and a new 'requiem' being prepared ... something builds slowly ... hence the need for the general public to be continually bullied by the situation.

Somewhere ... Maddy lives and breathes in concealed safety. A route of communication from her locality to the Taos 9 group appears to exist. Though this line of communication may be somewhat laboured ... as it is likely one of the communicating personas has been 'taken out of the working' ... a green stone and a pink stone ... a link perhaps indirectly through family. However this connection is part of the necessary concealment ... for whilst the media wagon travels on ... peddling its mudslinging 'pies' for the public to buy .... the real investigation continues in full swing ... untouched by public attention. I sense that 'closure' is not that far away ...