Further Reading

Sunday 28 October 2007

Daily Merlin: The Cunning Fox

Daily Merlin Insight (using Merlin Tarot)
Sunday 28th October 2007
10:00pm - 10:50pm

Today has been a time of great reflection and contemplation. The opportunity to meet with like soul minds was a gratifying experience. Feeling refreshed and with renewed vigour I prepare for this current working. With no specific 'focus' planned I adapt the method of an open channel once more.

A close friend, of mine, who passed many years previous, moves in close. She was a healer in her day. An Irish mystic with a powerful love for life. She moves in close with a gentleness and a fearlessness. A valour which she wishes to be extended to the material plane. There is no need to fear. Fear is an illusion, brought to the earth plane by those who wish dominance over fellow man. Without fear, they have no hold. This appears an exercise in generating fear. A time of healing now comes to help release those shackles created by fear. Ireland is most surely the key. It provides the link with those who are close at hand to where and when little Maddy disappeared. She says she can watch the little girl. A glowing light around her. Full of LIFE. Very much alive; many spirits are looking after her sent by psychics and mediums around the world. It is time to hold in your heart to forgive and heal those who were behind the disappearance. Unlock the barrier of fear they use to control. Mystics unite and will them to release this little girl. This girl is safe and is kept safe. NO harm has befallen her. She sees the little girl Maddy play in grassy meadows with soil on her clothes and wind in her hair. Her hair is not quite the same as it was, it has been cut a different way and the colour is slightly different but it is the same girl. Others who are around her know and are sworn to secrecy. Maddy's chair is a wooden high chair ... which scrapes on wooden floorboards. There is a wooden dresser nearby. A woman like a housekeeper wears a skirt with a predominately green tarten pattern. She talks with a southern lilt which she recognises as being part of her own part of the country. County ..... (withheld). There is peat bog close by and a range rover which drives into the nearest town. There is indeed a building like a castle nearby. High stone walls ... stained glass windows out of which the little girl looks out. They are tarnished with age and there has been much rain. She looks out to water and boats and gulls. She still smiles. She carries her family in her heart and in her mind. My friend hears what spirit has to say about them conveying to the little girl she is safe. The general feeling is she is bound to be returned. They who hold her play the waiting game. They know the attention this story commands. They know too that she is to be moved again. Back south. Back to close to where she was taken. There is to be no fear of eyes stalking these words. Those who hold her already know ... but can comprehend that intelligence keeps them safe because Maddy is there in plain sight ... held by links to such a powerful family. Through the profession of Gerry & Kate there is a direct link. That intelligence have been canny with their planning and with the way they were able to establish a link within the ranks of those close to the McCanns and it has not been discovered as yet. My friend's presence now fades .... leaving me once more alone ...

Those who link have property investments in several countries. There network is hidden behind smaller businesses of blank faces. The phone line will prove to be a helpful cause but also a helpful smokescreen for those who implicate Maddy's safe return. Most surely Spain features and has featured in their plans. Their influence stretches from Portugal, through Spain and France; as well as Eire and other European countries. The careful intelligence keep attention fixed firmly on the significant eye without drawing undue attention from the rebel faction of the open eye.

The cunning fox is seen in the foreground of the Page of Beasts once more. The Page still holds the empty bowl despite all the efforts to till the soil. No dividends or rewards as yet for all the continued efforts of the search ... all the stones unturned and all the investigation. The cunning fox continues its mesmerising jig in the foreground and nobody is any wiser with regard to the 'tilling of the field'. True facts are still hard to find. The trickery of the cunning fox by way of the media speculation keeps everything hidden. The cunning fox suggests a hand in the proceedings and a keen eye to know where to guide the attention of the observer away from what is going on.

To the left the 7 of Birds - dishonesty - we cannot trust or believe much of what it related to the situation via the media. We should have learned of this by now. Disregard the jig of the cunning fox ... step back and realise it all for ourselves. There is a great deception here.

The Warrior of Fishes is the outcome ... the prayer answered. The pathway which is being denied by the cunning fox and the tales woven forcing everyone to expect the worst.

Note the circuit of stones which have fallen on the 8 of Birds reversed and the 9 of Serpents ... the latter the card of endurance. It means the situation has gone around and around the same circuit. Run the saw course a number of times. It moves from the start forwards back to the star again. Much like going back to the start of the circle. Surely this cannot go on much longer ... someone somewhere has been stringing this out ... keeping it firmly in the news without actually providing any solid evidence. I know I've mentioned this before in the past ... but on reflection I realise it must be said again.

There are too many lose ends here amid the secrecy laws. That which is portrayed on the outside is not the real news. The Universe image indicates there is a shell or glamour around the true picture ... the hermaphrodite figure in the image is seen to symbolically emerge from within from the core of the truth ... to emerge in the public eye ... as characters in the story which the public are bought and sold by ... The Page of Fishes indicates something is being resolved most surely behind this vow of secrecy. Something of the highest high appears to be within the core ... events and discussions and concerns not for the general public. Something on the drawing board long planned and most surely executed ... something well underway ... something that may never been known. Even after the time Maddy has been returned. A sense that October fades and November arrives. Into December and there is fresh ideas. Fresh news. Different opinions. New faces on which to muse. Arrival at a crossroads ... literally ... back in the late July time when something key was disregarded it can be revisited once more again. All those sightings not reviewed or taken seriously must surely be looked at once again. New clues.