Further Reading

Monday 22 October 2007

Dealing With Wrong Vibration

Extract taken from 'Rule Ten' of 'A Treatise On White Magic' by Alice A Bailey:

"Response to wrong vibration will not be basically prevented by the methods of either 'building a shell' or by 'insulation' through the power of mantras and visualisation. These two methods are temporary expedients by which those who as yet have somewhat to learn seek to protect themselves.

The building of a shell leads to seperativeness, and necessities the eventual overcoming of the habit of shell building, and a shattering and consuming of shells already built.

The process of insulation, which is more advanced practice, calls for more magical knowledge, consists of the emanating of certain energies of the vital body in a particular direction, which serve to keep other energies at a distance through what is called impact. Through this impact upon approaching energies, they are reversed and sent in another directions. But those energies must go somewhere, and should they damage another person, is not the one who reversed their direction through a desire to protect themself responsibloe?

The practice of 'harmlessness' is the best and easiest way for the aspirant to work. There is then nothing in her/him which is inimical to any life in any form. and she/he therefore attracts herself/himself only that which is beneficent. She/he uses the beneficent forces thus attracted for the kelping of other beings. This has to be the first step and the discipline it entails and the constant supervision of all the activities on the three planes of human evolution and of all reactions bring the emotional body under the dominance of the illumined mind. They also bring about the understanding of one's fellow men.

There is secondly a later stage wherein the disciple learns to absorb and transmute the wrong vibrations and the energies which are destructive. She/he has no shells not barriers. She/he dies not insulate herself/himself not isolation herself/himself from others. Through harmlessness she/he has learnt to neutralise all evil emanations.

Another method is still more advanced and is utilised by the initiate. Through a knowledge of the law and of certain words of power she/he can command the energies to reverse themselves and to return to their originating centre."