There is a great difference between the two, for Astral Travelling does not remove us from the physical body, but Astral Projection does.
Most experiences of Astral Projection are unconscious, the person only becoming aware of them in "dream states", such as memories of flying etc., but there are those who have had a genuine "conscious" experience, even if only very briefly.
On such occasions there is absolutely no doubt in their minds that they were actually there, and many would argue that they were indeed physically present, for the senses generally do not seem to be impaired. It is interesting to note that those who have "consciously" experienced a projection cannot be persuaded that it was just a figment of their imagination or a dream, for it would be like trying to persuade the reader that they are not "actually" reading this now.
It is quite natural for us to project from our physical bodies whilst in sleep state, and the "rapid eye movement" phase is normally aligned with this phenomena. However, although we all do have Out of Body Experiences, it is extremely difficult to sustain "consciousness" throughout. The process is easier to understand if we look at the 4 different types of projection.
1. Involuntary with no "consciousness"
2. Vivid bewildering dreams. More tired on waking than when going to sleep.
3. Involuntary with "consciousness"
4. Awareness of "waking up" in a dream, flying, or with snatches of very clear experience etc. Consciousness is often rapidly lost after a few moments.
Voluntary with no "consciousness"
A technique often known as "Remote Viewing", or sending out a "Watcher". This is consciously done, but the person does not remain conscious of the experience at the time. However, it ensures that retrievable information is available after the event.
Voluntary with "consciousness"
The person remains in "conscious" control of the projection, and complete awareness of experiences from beginning to end.
In Qabalistic terms, the subconscious mind is known as the lower astral part of ourselves, and the thoughts and feelings are the higher astral part. When we have an Out of Body Experience, all the bodies, including the higher soul aspects move away from the physical body - and often to astounding distances - but they remain attached through the lower astral, or subconscious, which protects, energises, and sustains the life of the physical body during projection.
The subconscious mind is the overall "governor" of Astral Projection, for without its' interaction and compliance nothing can be sustained. It is therefore obvious that, because the subconsious is emotionally based, we can only approach Astral Projection from an emotional standpoint, not as an intellectual exercise, and it is precisely because of this general misunderstanding that many a "conscious" projection is doomed to failure.