Further Reading

Saturday 27 October 2007

Of The Nine

'Of The Nine'
Sigilart by Matthew James

Inspired by the Daily Merlin insight on 22nd October 2007. It appears to relate to the 'group mind' of the Tapas 9. The background of the image is interesting. It was initially a mixture of green and yellow ... on Paint Shop Pro which I use to create the images ... there is a 'negative' function with creates a negative of the colours in the background. The above colours are a result of this function. The purple and the mauve indicative of higher mind activity. Of strong perceptions relating to the energies of the sigil which is representative of the 9.

The cyclic pattern in the background is another interesting creation. Totally unintentional. By using the sharpen function several times the four pointed cross-like pattern begins to appear. It is further accentuated by use of the median function. An interesting shape relating to the group. It has the striking similarity to a Maltese Cross does it not?

Remember the theory of Sigils have it they are formed to activate the sub-conscious to provide information or an outcome relating to the spell contained within the sigil. It is a two way process ... the higher mind able to pass information through the sigil to the lower mind. Sigils contain a truly potent energy force ... that is the theory. The practice won't always be accepted by those of sceptical mind ... it could be coincidence the background appeared in this way. It could .. but symbolism has been my forte for decades now. I look for these specific instances.

The crystal casting was explicit with the appearance of twelve crystals ... as if the Tapas Group was actually twelve in number ... three more than the alleged Tapas Nine.There is a clear purpose behind that night.