Further Reading

Friday 26 October 2007

The Path of Heh

The Path Of Heth is the 15th Path which is the Constituting Intelligence, so called because it constitutes the substance of creation in pure darkness, and it is said of these contemplations; it is that darkness spoken of in scripture, and thick darkness a swaddling band of for it.

The Hebrew letter "heh" means "window," (literally wind-door). The window admits light (knowledge) and air (spirit - prana) into the house of personality. The window also permits outlook, survey, supervision, and control. The window is a frame, focusing attention. It is transparent; this alludes to the mind of the Magus. "Heh," or "ha," is also the Hebrew definite article "the." This defines, locates, particularizes, and characterises.

Sight is the sense function attributed to Key 4. Vision, examination, analysis, vigilance, attention, and investigation are all related. Insight is another form of seeing.

Constituting intelligence is a traditional way to describe this key, as in composing, framing, or authoring. This is the originator, the inventor, the founder, the generator, begetter, architect and builder. The constitution is the law, and order - what we call the "laws of nature" are definitions, and observations. This is ability to see the big picture, the Gestalt of a situation.

The Path of Heh has a special relationship with the art of ritual magic. Like the Paths of Zayin & Cheth, it serves as a connection between the Ruach and the higher centres of the self, but its endpoint is in Chokmah, not in Binah; it connects with the primal source of Force rather than pf Form, and what descends it is thus power rather than perception. In a broader sense, the Path of Heh deals with the whole relationship between power and the self. Heh is the hebrew word for window as has been already discussed, and in the days before effective indoor lighting windows were the most important way of providing light in buildings. Windows are not, however, light sources; they simply allow light from the sun to pass through walls to illuminate the rooms within. The symbolism is exact. Some magical theories identify the source of the magician's power as the magician's own self - in the Kabalah by contrast ... stars, planets and the like are not seen as sources of power but as power through which power passes and the source of the power is identified with the unity of the Supernals in its active form which is Chokmah.

The Tarot correspondent to Heh is The Emperor. 4, the number of the Emperor, is the number of "elements" that are controlled by the 3 "conditions," or "states," shown by Key 3, the Empress. The Empress (3) and the Emperor (4) work together to create 12. Four ram's heads adorn the Emperor's throne, referring to the four sides of a square, the four seasons, the four elements, four compass points, four rivers in Eden, and Aries. The foursquare order of this key traditionally associates it with the Cube of Space.

The Emperor's throne is carved stone; in Hebrew stone is: "aben." "Ab" is "Father," and "ben" means "son of," so the word "aben" joins "father-son." Throne symbolism is deep, and is studied in Malkuth; it is the idea of preparing oneself as the throne for the Holy Light, purifying ourselves to receive the spiritual fire into our material bodies.

The steel armor shows the warlike nature of Mars, as well as the regal red robe, with its Ram's Head shoulder emblem. This is the carrier of the historic values of human experience in law, morals, and custom.

The Emperor holds his arms in a subtle version of the "coagula/solve" position - meaning "coagulate (or join) - and "dissolve." The "coagulation" is a drawing-in of energy. The "solve" is the use of the energy to dissolve, or cut like a laser.

The Emperor differs in that he holds the sphere of the world in his left hand, weighing it down. The golden ankh in his right hand is the sceptre of dominion, also bringing his hand to the level. His position in the above card shows his legs in a suggestion of an inverted alchemical glyph for sulphur, the chemical assigned to the Emperor card, and the number 4 is also a symbol of "Accomplishment of the Great Work-" a successful transformation of lead into gold, and is the position of the legs of Key 12, the Hanged Man.