Further Reading

Tuesday 23 October 2007


Our solar system is presently undergoing the second phase of the grand three-fold process of cosmic creation, and therefore is governed by the formula IHVh ~ the sacred Tetragrammaton.

During the first cycle, when the form principle was molded and made ready to receive the principle of soul-consciousness, the solar zodiacal lotus was dominated by the formula ADNI ~ AdoNaI Ha-AReTz, 'the Lord of the Earth'.

The third great cycle will see the fulfillment of the divine spiritual purpose of our solar logos and the dominion of the formula AHIH within the consciousness of Helios. (AHeIeH ASheR AHeIeH ~ 'I am that I am'.)

ADNI ~ The law of Economy ~ Cycle I

IHVh ~ The law of Attraction ~ Cycle II

AHIH ~ The law of Synthesis ~ Cycle III

The physical solar system is a reflection of the conscious being of our solar logos. The sun (and the twelve zones of 'zodiacal' energy radiating out from it into the ether) is the symbol of His causal body ~ His 'golden lotus' that exists upon the cosmic mental plane. The planets that revolve around the sun symbolise His other faculties of consciousness ~ His chakras.

During the first (i.e. ADNI) great cycle, the consciousness of the logos (collectively symbolised by the planets) was held and nurtured within the cocoon of the matter principle. Physical heat ('fire by friction') from the sun was the masculine force impregnating the feminine material substance of the planets to spawn biological life. The solar lotus was a closed bud undergoing internal changes prior to its opening and consequent exposure to cosmic radiations from 'heavenly' sources. In short, the logos was preoccupied with His 'physical' self.

It is now, during the second (or IHVh) phase of the Creation that the lotus unfolds and turns its petals towards the light ('solar fire') of the greater cosmos.

During the ADNI phase of the cycle, the physical consciousness of the logos (i.e. the solar system) was not able to perceive high frequency (soul & monadic) stimuli coming from celestial sources in the universe. It could respond to heat (from the sun) but not yet light (from the stars) because it was still in the process of developing the sense organs (planets) required for that advanced kind of perception. It is during the present IHVh phase of the great tri-cycle of solar creation that the logoic 'personality' is able to detect and respond to certain high (or 'inner') frequencies of light emanating from cosmic intelligences in other regions of the universe.

The light source closest to our system is of course our own sun. From it radiates the soul-consciousness (i.e. abstract mental energy) of Helios Himself. Its influence was felt during the latter stages of the ADNI cycle. During that time, Helios was preoccupied with realising the existence of His soul within His physical consciousness. And He was still quite oblivious to the energy issuing forth from 'higher' sources in the universe. In human terms, that point of evolution corresponds with the first initiation.

The intelligent life-forms that are spawned on/within the planets of our solar system are the manifestation of the physical consciousness of the solar logos. Therefore, we express (or live out) the mental activity of our creator. That is why there has been sun worship in distant aeons of this IHVh phase of Creation. We were mirroring on the cosmic physical plane the important stage of 'soul focus' that our logos had been experiencing on higher cosmic planes.

Helios has since undergone a shift of focus away from developing physical self discipline. He now aims towards strengthening His soul connection, and seeks to establish conscious contact with His divine spirit or monad (i.e. Sirius). He is attuning Himself to light frequencies beyond the range of His 'physical' perception.

Thus we too (as the material embodiment of His conscious being) have experienced a shift in consciousness away from the sun and our own solar system towards other, greater constellations of light. This has been reflected in the comparatively recent past of our current IHVh cycle in the contacts and visitations our solar system has had with inter-dimensional entities from other star systems.

The IHVh formula comes into prominence after the first solar/human initiation (called 'the Birth of the Christ'). It facilitates our entry into what is generally called the 'fourth dimension'. Its influence supersedes the rule of ADNI and carries a disciple through the second, third and fourth initiations. The purpose of IHVh is to secure the soul/personality to the monad in Hockmah, or in other words, to join the Son/Daughter to the Father. This is achieved via the Mother principle, by using the dual magick of invocation and evocation.

The sacred family of the Tetragrammaton can be expressed as follows:

I (yod): Father. Chokmah-2. Monadic plane. Its nature is pure love-wisdom. The cosmic Hierarchy of Light. The Great White Brotherhood. The monadic source of a human-being ~ our connection to the spiritual purpose of a planetary logos. Every human-being contains within his soul (i.e. the Son principle) the 'seed' of the Father (that is, in the path of yod on the Tree diagram). It is by watering, germinating, fertilising and growing this seed that we attain conscious contact with the Father.

H (ha): Mother. Binah-3. Atmic plane. The macrocosmic form principle. The living holistic physical, emotional and mental environment. The sentient/intelligent world, solar system and universe. The Mother symbolises the 'physical' manifestation of the 'mind/body' of the solar logos. We, as individual personalities are vital 'organic' components of Her body. We are born, grow and 'physically' die within Her, but then we are resurrected after the fourth initiation to 'reign with the Father in Heaven'.

V (vav): Son. Chesed-Pachad-Tipareth (4-5-6). Buddhi - Higher mental - Causal. Microcosmic soul consciousness. The Son contains the essence of the Father and shall return to Him through the cultivation of love-wisdom.

h (ha): Daughter. Hod-Netzah-Yesod (8-7-9). Lower mental-Astral-Etheric/physical. Microcosmic 'physical' consciousness (or form principle). The human personality. The Daughter is a microcosmic cell of 'organic matter' in the body of the Mother. (Leadbetter)