Further Reading

Monday 5 November 2007

Creating A Golem

In folklore, a golem or a dybbuk is a mindless automaton created by a magus for the sole purpose of working his will. A mindless automaton devoid of idiosyncrasies and personality is much safer in this sort of work because we've all heard the horror stories of these sort of beings gaining too much self-awareness, power and eventually turning on the magus, especially if you are feeding them blood. But be admonished that there are no guarantees that the creature will not develop a personality of its own.

The first thing required is the creation of a sigil that binds the golem. Any method of producing a sigil will work and it doesn't matter in this case if the sigil suggests the entity to the conscious mind.

The next step is to create some sort of physical object with which to contain the golem when it is not out doing work. This object will also serve as the physical receptacle of libations. One suggestion is to cut a small disc of wood about 25 - 50mm thickness then carve the sigil onto the disc. It doesn't need to be anything elaborate, or equally it can be as elaborate as imagination or the conscious mind decrees.

The next step is to decide what the golem is to "look" like, even though the creature will only exist on the astral. Produce a preliminary sketch to help facilitate visualisation the "incubation" period. The Golem will also need a name.

Next come up with some sort of ceremony for creating the thing within the disc or depiction of it. Any methods of producing gnosis can be used and once gnosis achieved, the being should be visualised inside the disc as intensely as possible. One suggestion is opening with the Qabalistic Cross or Star Sapphire ritual beforehand to emphasise the fact that we are microcosms of God (however you want to define him) and have the power to create life.

The exact means of energising the Golem has been deleted at this point ... it is not my intention to provide actual full working details of rituals and high magick methodology.

Repeat this procedure daily for however long you deem fit. Until you can feel that the being is becoming more and more real on the astral level. What is the initial feeding and preparation is termed the incubation period. Incubating it gives you more of a window and doesn't leave a lot of pressure to do everything exactly right on the first try. You will begin to feel what works best and what doesn't and I advise you to omit or amend my suggestions in any way to find a method that works better for you.

*IMPORTANT* If banishment is undertaken before any sort of magickal work, make sure to remove the disc or depiction from the room before banishing during the incubation period. Otherwise the baishment will banish the embryonic and germinating golem. After sending it out on a task, however, using a banishing ceremony can act as a fulcrum to propel it or give it a little push in case it wants to hang about.

After the incubation period, the golem can be sent out to undertake a out task for the magician. Something of this sort should be said at the period of evocation and you may want to point a ritual dagger or wand at the disc or depiction for emphasis:

"Hear me now_____________! I who fashioned you from the ether and shadowy astral substance charge you to rise from the disc bearing your essence and appellation. I who fashioned you on the subtler planes for the sole purpose of working my will upon this one, command you now to hear and fulfill this task. I who feed and fuel your very existence evoke and entice you to________________. Fulfilling this and all tasks I give you is your birth-right and justification for having been created. Obey now with full cooperation and faithfully serve your lord/lady who created you and will destroy you if you are disobedient."

The task should direct, as simply and as clearly stated as possible.

I'll omit the ways and the means of 'calling back' the golem, however it doesn't take much in the way of imagination to devise a "calling back" ceremony, in truth, once the task is done. Also, if the golem fails consistently, make good on the threat to destroy it by burning the disc or depiction and thoroughly banishing it. If the Golem is sent out on long tasks such as protection of another person be sure to call it back at least once a week to feed it.