Further Reading

Monday 26 November 2007

Daily Merlin For Monday 26th November 2007

10:35pm - 11:35pm

'Here were go on the merry go round again. More slurs. More insinuations. More conflicting news stories (but at least the DNA cruel speculation has been discarded) .... tonight, the focus is once more on MM ... and her continued separation from her parents and family. One week's time the 6th month sadly becomes the 7th month of separation.

Therefore tonight's insight is straightforward. The focus image is one of MM ... and the image of the Star is placed on the working table prior to commencing the working. No sound waves tonight. Background ambiance has been set by music by Medwyn Goodall and Hem Champa incense ...'

'The question is a simple one "where are you Madeleine and when are you to be returned?'

The first observation to be made are the number of green 'heart' crystals cast in the working at this time ... 4 of the 10 stones are green and another is partially green ... almost 50% .... a confirmation from higher levels to 'take heart M is still very much alive; nothing has changed with regard to that reality ... M survives and is to be returned' ...

The crescent stone falls on the image of the Emperor ... a cruel script appears to have been undertaken ... 'keep the Emperor out of the picture; he must be kept in the dark and be made to experience the folly of the perpetuating mystery.' The small piece of Hematite at position #1 ... the Emperor and his own blood relations are to be victims of the delusion ... kept out of the picture. Someone points the finger and still continues to be cruel ... a bitter lesson to be learnt it seems here ... the pattern on the image of The Emperor shows the architect's implements in the background ... someone who was at the planning stage observes Gerry & Kate ... knew what their reactions would be and still is able to be one step ahead ... implementing control of media circles; permitting another roundabout of news speculation. Able to pick up the phone and contact those who hold MM ... and could so easily give the instruction to have her returned.

The Chariot above the Emperor ... has the affirmation of Conclusion. It appears the instruction has already been given for her to be returned. Perhaps ... the sense of her changing hands has taken place. MM moved to another location ...

The sense with The Universe image ... the figure looking over its shoulder along the trail of 'the red carpet' (the special attention which the MM mystery has been granted symbolised by the red carpet) .. the looking back to previous locations already reported for a sense of where MM now resides perhaps? A figure seen in the background holding a garment ... a brood of five other 'monkeys' ... MM seems now to be with a family. A change of clothing and appearance ... they seem to have shortened her hair and have given her the appearance of being boyish whilst on the move ... in case 'tourists' see her whilst on the move through busy places ... though it is the wrong time of the year now for the tourist trade ... they cannot take the risk of her really being seen ... for she must travel on foot in this destination ...

The subterfuge to take the attention away from the small print and the obvious details. Again media reports seem to stall in anticipation of the next significant story. Attention of sightings seems next to move away from where they have been at as attention moves to other places which have been the backcloth in previous reports.

Mutton or lamb in a casserole dish ... carrots ... boiled meal over a gas ring. There is a house untidy with much washing on lines in the street. A woman with a black headdress ... around the age of late teens or early twenties. An accent which MM finds hard to understand. With strangers at the time I see this image. She walks a steep street down to a three level house close to the sight of the sea ... off the main trail which is the main street. This is only a temporary halt perhaps one or two nights ... until someone else will come for her. The locality is close to access to where boats can be moored near ancient sandstone walls. I see this image clearly. There is the sense of a change of plans.

I am not alarmed by any of the speculation still ... not when the fear epitomised by The Devil is in a bottom line position meaning in the working this fear can now be neutralised. The worst is now over ... this is now a waiting game for someone to dot the I's and cross the T's.

The Ten Of Cups denotes the affirmation of Accomplishment ... and the Page of Swords is the intelligence forces who will be around to make that positive sighting which leads to the communication that takes the pressure off the King Of Swords who will be able to have the flaming sword once more in his possession ... a figure of speech because the King Of Swords are the hidden allies of Gerry & Kate ... those who are undertaking the search for MM behind the scenes ... the sense of the timing of this working is in the near future ...

We leave behind the '6' and enter soon the '7' of the 7,8, 9 sequence which had recurred a number of times in recent workings. The memory of the spoken 7 again comes to mind ... the timing seems concurrent with that phenomena.

Finally, the image of the trump Aeon ... its affirmation is the realisation ... the figure in the image is sitting patiently ... waiting ... ignoring all the activity in the background ... its attention focussed elsewhere ... the background shows the an images of faces including symbolically the one caught in the grip of the current 'predator' theory alive in the news in the current time. All that which flashes before the eyes of the tabloid reader should be disregarded ... it is merely there to sell the newspapers and keep everyone guessing as to what is going on .... the 'captured mouse' in the image can clearly be seen to be out of captivity ... and the 'red apple' given by the teacher's pet is now in the cage in lieu of the mouse (a cryptic statement which could indicate the current state of play with the situation perhaps?'