Further Reading

Wednesday 28 November 2007

Daily Merlin Insight: 8 of Weapons

Wednesday 28th November 2007
10:30pm - 11;10pm
Using the Servants of the Light tarot

'Insights to explore the location signified by the 8 of Weapons. Recent workings have suggested that perhaps the shining star has been on the move once more ...'

We see 'the Priest' (the 'wounded healer') with the Flaming Sword at the locality signified by the 8 of Weapons. Again. This is a reoccurring theme in workings when intuiting the locality. Thus a retired doctor or specialist seems to be a constant companion to the Flaming Sword; the significator of the commodity in the eyes of those who are the perpetrators of the 'abduction' of MM.

The 3 of Weapons makes another appearance again. The sword through the heart in this image clear imagery of someone's intended course of action aimed at GM (and KM). However, in this working, it is interesting to note that only one of the three hands can be seen at this time. A black stone has fallen on the other hand ... hiding it in a shroud of blackness. Hinting that one of the 'hands' is now no longer involved perhaps in the continued custodianship? Perhaps now it is only two of the three who now are around MM. One has perhaps been left behind and MM has been travelling with the remaining two?

In the image of the lovers ... a male and a female appear to be parting company as one of the two is to undertake a journey perhaps to the rocky island in the background? The archangel above them ... indicates their dedication to a cause or their dedication to a religious organisation. I sense the rocky island in the background is the same locality signified by the 8 of Weapons. Two of the three are husband and wife ... perhaps it is the wife who must remain back at their other locality ... whilst MM travels with the man to the island location ... with them is another person. Once at this locality it appears the wounded healer put MM in the care of someone else (from the working of 27th November 2007) .... whilst he had other business to attend to or maybe it was not safe for him to have MM around him where he was going to?

The sense that this couple has property in more than one country. In the UK/Eire ... in Portugal/Spain and also in Malta? Associated with Knights of Malta or a similar organisation with connections all over Europe and also within networks of media, medicine and government?

The Maker of Spheres ... links to the one who specifically instructed MM was to 'disappear' ... interestingly in the working ... the name of the card has now become 'Make Spheres' as a stone has fallen on the other letters ... erof ... 'fore' perhaps or is that concidence ... 'foe -r ? Perhaps there is the name Foster somewhere in all of this?

The making of spheres once more ... and the cover of the 5 of Weapons and the generation of more fear (the Devil) in the media. Seeking to turn attention away ... whilst the Priest and The Sword are able to once more reach their destination.

The fragment of stone between the lovers and the 3 of weapons ... the stone I intuit to indicate the small fraction of the life MM will lead has passed whilst away from her parents. She indeed has the usual '3 score and ten' to live ... and of her return ... I received the information earlier today that her return is has 'inevitability' vibrating around it ... patiently the wheel of fortune turns and it gets closer and closer to the day she WILL be returned safe and well ...

I was also 'provided' with the image of knights riding horses when I ask where MM is currently residing. Seek someone who makes regular trips by luxury cruiser into the Med from Ireland ... for an insight into the Priest ... a retired surgeon or doctor perhaps ... research ... consultant ... paid a fortune by someone influential to be 'father' to MM for as long as it necessary for someone somewhere to undertake what it is they must do ...

The Surrogate father has family of his own ... perhaps he is a grandfather by now which would explain the young children with which MM has someone to play with. There is religious instruction with MM ... and schooling ... he understands the importance of her stability ... religious pathways and pilgrimages may well have been made ... MM having her appearance changed from time to time. Fooled into it by thinking it is a game ...

Behind the scenes with those who are in contact with MM ... they all dedicated to the same cause ... somehow their human emotions of guilt and shame and sympathy have been 'stemmed' in order for them to see MM as a commodity and not a child having been separated from her family. This group are NOT subjecting her to any harm or abuse ... they have been specifically instructed to ensure she is not harmed in anyway.

The stone of trust - white - above the Maker's head ... the trust and the blind faith held by the 'so many' affected by the plight of MM and her family. Anticipated in the careful planning of the Maker of Spheres ... his is a very deliberate campaign. Jigsaw pieces slipping together bit by bit ... slowly to avoid the intention being sighted too easily. Those looking from the outside in who are not close to those planted trees .... perhaps will be more aware of what it is he is try to achieve?