Further Reading

Friday 30 November 2007

Daily Merlin Insight for Friday 30th November 2007

10:35pm - 11:20pm
Using Servants of the Light tarot

'Insights based on moving forward in time to determine situations relating to the safe return of MM .. and anything perhaps of significance uncovered by this working.'

The investigation will continue even after MM has been safely returned. A male and a female will have evidence and a court case centred around them. The woman with curly brown hair, fairly long and of white European appearance. The man , her accomplice, appears to have a shaven head during that time ... but currently does not have his head shaven at this time.

Their abode appears to be on three levels ... three floors ... a house in a busy European street though it is not clear if MM was held at this property during her time of captivity.

There is the sense this is the property where this couple will be found and overwhelming evidence will damn them. However they will protest their innocence all the way through. Public reaction is such that there way in and out of a court room will have to be done secretly.

It is not clear if they are the actual abductors or were expected to look after MM .... of if it was even them at all. The confusion of the case hasn't changed even after MM's safe return. Even the details of where she was found will be conflicting. There is no clear indication of what is true or what is speculation even then.

An image I see which is very clear ... MM shares a walk along a beach in secrecy with a smiling Gerry & Kate. They go on holiday somewhere within the UK prior to the announcement to the world. There is a time ... a number of weeks ... where silence surrounds the camp as MM is able to be brought back into the family unit. It is only when they 'risk' a McDonalds of a KFC .... that a passer by recognises MM and rumours spread that MM has been sighted in a southern UK town. It is denied for weeks before the announcement is made that MM has indeed been returned. I note in the image it is not Clarence Mitchell who makes that announcement. It is a woman ... someone I do not recognise.

The crystals indicate two clear paths ... quite a distance stands between them ... the arrest of the man and the woman the barrier between the two paths. In one there the pink stone indicating a child beside a white stone of trust ... above the charioteer ... above it all falling on the 6 of Crescents are two green heart stones ...

The other trail between the 9 of Staves and the Maker of Spheres there are four stones ... one is the black stone of secrecy close by to the red stone which I decree is that of 'mars' ... of Geburah ... 'the task master' .... this is the real path I feel... the real reason why the Maker devised the taking of MM ... and the 8 of Crescents represents the real persons who were the perpetrators .... this trail remains hidden. Disguised. The 8 of Crescents has too much implication. Too much to reveal .... it hints at the reason for the covertness of the entire situation ... the black stone of secrecy is the veiling of these trail of connections.

Instead the six stones on the right hand side of the reversal of the Tower will be the adopted story line ...

The 5 of Weapons ... and the 10 of Spheres ... more reported media speculation of no relevance ... further sightings I feel ... but no satisfactory explanation of all the 'evidence' which has made the tabloids over the many months. The 10 of Spheres is the perpetuating speculation which has been the loose cannon around this case. Specifically devised by the Charioteer and his 'media experiment' .... his fabrication will be that which hits the headline news appertaining to how and where MM has been all of this time. It seems the 'suggestion' will be she has been in one place all the time ... with the suspects plucked out of obscurity ... I am very doubtful that whoever stands in the dock is indeed guilty of the crime. The evidence will be compelling ... but ...

The 9 of Staves indicates the subterfuge in place to provide effective media blackout sometime in the weeks to come. I am doubtful of the real truth ever coming out ... as there will be a concerted effort by those deep within the hidden 'halls' to bury all the truth under a mountain of speculation and red tape ....