Further Reading

Thursday 29 November 2007

Daily Merlin Insight for Thursday 29th November 2007

T R A N S C R I P T - Silent Running
10:30pm - 11:15pm
Using Merlin Tarot

'Insights on an open channel to explore the current trends in the mystery.'

There does not appear to be anything of merit attainable on the astral levels at this time. The phrase 'all quiet on the western front' springs to mind. Uneasy silence. Preternatural silence in some ways. After all the furore of the past few months I sense there is a deliberate intention by someone somewhere to make this phase in the situation go on 'silent running' mode. It feels odd. Nothing is what it seems however ...

Only two 'major arcana' images have appeared at this time. The Chariot ... at the centre around which the pattern of the crystals ... and the 'merry dance' which the observers have been subjected to with regard to the mystery; and the King Of Birds ... 'the chief of communications' ... is this the Pied Piper? Or is it Mr Big .. the high and mighty chief who commanded that this event would happen in the first place?

The mystery is treading water for sure. We are being 'treated' to a real silent running mode.

Upon the 9 of Weapons - Endurance - is a fragment of Fool's Gold. More 'all is not what it seems' to come it appears ... as the word endurance relates to the mystery in general.

The bottom cards of 3 of Birds (suffering); 10 of Fishes (friendship) and 9 of Birds (misfortune) draw to question all the 'evidence' which has been 'revealed' since May 2007. There appears the need for a careful review and a deliberation over everything because there have been some 'snippets' apparently provided by a friend on the night ... the 9 of Birds and the emotional interview. But it appear pseudo ... a cover for something else. It get the jitters with the way these three images have appeared together. Something relating to a mistake being made and a necessary backtracking needed ....hence the silent running .. the misfortune. Perhaps something significant has been on full view ... I am uneasy. There is a strange feeling.

The shape of the trail around The Chariot ... the direction of the young Salmon in the stream swims towards the 10 of Beasts which is 'opportunity'. The reports of sightings have been stemmed once more ... but something here is approaching. The attention of the Charioteer ... the focus ... seems to get the general public's eyes on something else whilst something of significance passes by.

There is nothing of any merit uncovered by these insights tonight. Just a confirmation that a 'blackout curtain' is firmly in place. The higher places have nothing new to say. Nothing has changed ... MM still lives and resides in a hidden place ... those behind the perpetration do not seemingly want the mystery over at this time. They keep the blackout curtain in place ... drip feeding speculation to keep the story alive. But we do not appear to really know what it is all really about. It is much more than the disappearance of a UK girl in Portugal. But there is a deliberate media distortion created behind which it all is kept hidden.

The pattern of the crystals makes for a similarity to previous insights. Is this perhaps where the Charioteer resides? He appears to be on this island in the working .... a working dedicated to the possible implications of The Charioteer significator is perhaps necessary.

Intuition detects the waiting for communications or awaiting news. Something has reached a standstill. A crucial negotiation perhaps.

The crystal casting numbers nine stones ... one of which is the fools gold and a hint of the folly of believing what is written in black and white at this time. There are falsehoods still. At the top of the working a solitary stone is ringed ... outside of the circling stones ... this perhaps represents one of the group from the night of 3rd May 2007 ... isolated ... not governed by the circulating information and control of what is revealed to those outside of the blackout curtain. Perhaps in coming weeks another of the group will elect to speak out .. and provide a statement ... there is attention seemingly focussing in their direction ...

Silent running is so valid at this time ... images of depth charges being dropped in search of that what lies below the surface ... something of major substance is being held back from being disclosed ... if this was a totally truthful world I wonder what the next breaking news would be? There is a sense of closure with the above circle in the working. Attention being directed to where it should be ... more careful control of the media than before ... something of significance is taking place ... that I feel quite strongly.