Further Reading

Tuesday 27 November 2007

Daily Merlin Insight for Tuesday 27th November 2007

Using Servants of the Light tarot
10:30pm - 11:10pm

'Insights of an open channel nature relating once more to the evening of 3rd May 2007 and the surroundings of the disappearance of MM. Something has been niggling my consciousness the past few days ... the media speculation and the ridiculous theories of the PJ can most surely be discounted ... insights therefore to perhaps indicate the more likely events of the night'

Nothing seems random or opportunist about the evening of 3rd May 2007. Meticulously planned ... the route and the weeks and months after the abduction all carefully planned. All the trails and all the evidence afterwards had been considered. MM was taken specifically ... her worth as 'the Flaming Sword' appears once more central to the working. The abductor would not have gone to all this trouble for a random taking ... there most surely would have been easier victims in the surrounding area.

It has been made by someone somewhere to be a pedo in the Portugal area as the most likely perpetrator. That has been the plan. It is the cover that hides the identity of the abductor ... the Keeper of Crescents has his face hidden ... intelligence is perhaps his career. A hired hand receiving instructions from those that know these areas and the typical pedo ring activities so in the months that follow evidence can be pointed to take attention of the real trail.

Perhaps this shouldn't be said here with the eyes that stalk still very much around. But there are falsehoods afoot which have changed the complexities of the trail. There are unknown hands which have come into the game?

The 10 of Crescents is the normal routine life of the McCanns about to be shattered ... the Giver of Staves is the associations with government and consultant based situations ... the professional life of GM? It is through these channels that the trouble was brewing. MM was known to someone and also the connections which GM had ... the 4 of Weapons represents the planned covert operation which required an abduction ... the taking of a child perhaps to infiltrate a circle or organisation?

Intelligence needed to go places where it could observe and be part of without drawing attention to itself? Hence MM was taken and became a sad statistic in the missing children of Europe. However. She has not been where the Media has claimed or is claiming ... someone links to the Keeper of Crescents ... who has power in the media and can drop in spoof information all part and parcel of the beforehand plan .... to ensure the cover continues and the mystery perpetuates ...

Meanwhile I glean MM is most surely safe. But the outside world in its entirety including the McCanns and their family are none the wiser. The abduction has to appear as having been a genuine one ... and hence the impetus of a genuine campaign. The incompetence of the PJ seems to be something which is all part and parcel of the plan. The attention on MM for when she does return to keep her safe ... for there is the element of her being a commodity ... of real value to an underworld trade ...

There is also the sense of evidence 'provided' to ensure the pointing of the hand at the McCanns. It is a compromise situation to ensure someone plays a part behind the scenes ... lest the fear of 'the Devil' becomes a reality if something is not undertaken. It is a blackmail and also a revenge. Someone somewhere stirs up the media and the law enforcement to accuse the McCanns to control public reaction. It is a clever operation by some intelligent minds.

This value as the flaming sword appears to be like the sprat to catch the mackerel ... MM will not be harmed or killed because of her publicity. This has all be carefully planned. There is something deep within about this situation. Places which the surface world of the mundane lives knows nothing about ... great secrecy here ...

The Pattern of the stones ... the Lightning Flash .. relates to the 777 once more .... one of the 7's could relate to something significant in the 7th month of her disappearance and the other two 7's I need to assess. But the 4 of Crescents and the User of Staves represents the covert nature to the tale ... the dishevelled woman is someone with two identities ... a conventional career and also a covert career ... a link between the two worlds ... the 6 of Staves indicates something of significance approaching ...

The current speculation can most surely be disregarded. There are mere characters in something written before the events coming onto the stage. MM was not taken randomly. The timing was all paramount ... rehearsed elsewhere to make sure it would go like clockwork. I sense the sighting of JT ... was someone strategically placed to be seen by someone ... whilst MM was led away in a different direction ... by someone who she would have been comfortable with ..

The length of time is most surely alarming her by now as much as her family. The someone somewhere will not be emotionally involved in the situation ... not caring at all how long it takes or how it affects MM and her family. Those who hold MM will most certainly be powerless to effect any control on the situation. There hands are tied and their actions ruled by fear. There are some very powerful circles moving here ... someone's toes only needed to be tapped ever so tightly for it to be MM who was to be abducted ...

The 4 of Staves is the wellbeing of MM and all things considered beforehand. She appears to be in a family environment to permit the longelivity of the situation if need be. The 'after her return' appears also to be an integral part of it all ... public reaction relating to her re-emergence ... and her return to normal life ... and her view in later years ... all part and parcel it seems of someone's long term plan ... the status of the Flaming Sword has significane ... there should still be great confidence MM is very much alive and is to be returned.