Further Reading

Saturday 24 November 2007

Daily Merlin Insight: 'Of The Latest Speculation'

Saturday 24th November 2007
10:35pm - 11:30pm

'Insights to explore the current media speculation relating to the girlfriend of "the man with the phone' ...

A very emotional personality. Strong willed with a very determined outer core which conceals someone very tearful and hurting inside. There seems to be several compartments to this personality. In the image which is the focus to this insight she seems almost vulnerable like the rabbit caught in the dead lights of the approaching juggernaut. Resigned to what perhaps lies ahead ... a secret appears to be below the surface. But perhaps it is not that which is anticipated by the baying hounds in pursuit of this prey set into the field by the unscrupulous media. Someone somewhere knows she has something to hide ... something she is scared of being learnt ... it makes this personality appearing as the guilty party when in truth her guilt appears to be linked to something else.

I sense this personality has a link with a man in a dark suit, tall and heavily muscular. He was around the complex at the time. Perhaps he is her handler in some way? She appears to have been easily deceived or maybe easily led. To accuse her of being involved in the way it is being established could be barking up the wrong tree.

Be interesting to learn if she has a link with a press photographer, perhaps even one who was involved early on in the case? She could well be the 'mole' who had unwittingly passed forth information to a source. I sense she is linked in someway with the press photographer who intuited in May/June had planted evidence in the waste ground where the towel had been found. Nothing ever came of the DNA sampling of this towel ... might it be significant in all of this after all? Part of something real ... not a myth like that of others things on the trail of the moon .... ???

Someone somewhere has been one step ahead most of the time ... around her (not RM) is someone who has somehow extracted information from the likes of her.

Code names perhaps and clicking fingers around her? Hypnotherapy perhaps. An mind easily relaxed and a will easily compromised due to some underlying trauma. Someone somewhere with a history of violent tendencies has linked with her in the past. I feel she may still emotionally carry these scars. A victim since early childhood? What has she seen in the past and what hold has someone somewhere on her?

(Jim McCullock has suddenly announced he is the one talking to me? He will not say who he is r why he is linking with me. But he is clear and precise. He was very much anti-spiritualism and anti-religion. Very much an academic minded person. It is up to the librarian now to find the names and the times and the places of situations and information buried in time which will collaborate this mystery with another mystery of similar circumstances in the past but when media circulation was not as extensive as it is today. The 1940's or 50's perhaps. The last time something of such great magnitude apparently was on the earth?)

Turning attention now to the working ... 9 crystals were chosen and fell in the pattern as indicated in the image to the left. The first thing of note are the two Hematite crystals on the reversed images of The Chariot and the Suspension (Hanged Man) images. In the crystal workings Hematite relates to 'blood' ... thus I have to intuit it here as a reverence to blood ... not the trail of 'literal blood' though it this media speculation does follow after months of cruel speculation which commenced with the blood on the wall. This in fact appertains to DNA ... the reversal of the Chariot & the Hanged Man is similar to another recent working ... where the trail created by The Chariot has reached its conclusion ... that a long ongoing situation now comes to an end ... white crystal after the Hematite appertains to trust ... or the distrust that the public now has of this trail ... therefore someone is anxious behind the scenes that this current media speculation will be met with the same reaction and the same distrust. Something more substantial appears therefore to be in the pipeline with the media speculation around this persona. Turning our attention now to the Two Of Swords .... the affirmation is 'concurrence' ... thus this storyline comes as the one which treads water ... and connects one storyline from the past with one to come in the future. It appears to be a filler and a taster for something more substantial to come in the future. The 3 & 4 Of Cups appear to link to scandal ... to revelations from the past. This could indicate the 'victim personality' placed around this personality? Perhaps she will be wrongly accused or she links to something of merit hidden in the past? This persona being brought into the case at this time is not by chance ....

The pattern of the crystals ... an item of discarded jewellery ... there is something to be discovered here ... or something linking of significance. This persona has a chequered past ... something of significance perhaps. The 7 of Pentacles indicates either she was watched and her movements noted ... or she was witness to something but perhaps has been 'asked' to remain silent ... not to reveal what it is she saw. Perhaps a collaboration of the night ... or worse a denial of something someone else has said ... there is something on this persona perhaps to keep her quiet ... too much pressure and a mantle could be seen to buckle .. the Ace of Pentacles ... shows a pair of eyes watching something of significance .... at the base of the inverted triangle ... adjacent to the story of the 'blood' and that false trail.