Further Reading

Friday 2 November 2007

Daily Merlin: The Star & The Nine Stones

Daily Merlin Insight
Using Merlin Tarot

Friday 2nd November 2007

NZ: 10:46pm -

Sorry for the apparent 'subterfuge' here. I've sensed the need for 'cover' with regard to a recent item of interest in recent times. I'm erring on caution in publishing the subject matter at this point in time.

'Insights on an unspecified image. RV investigations to uncover possible insights to
provide a comprehension of unspecified matters.'

As a practitioner of Magick I have developed my awareness to be on the look out for recurring themes, for confirmations and for repetition in all the experiments I undertake. Over the years I have developed the eye for 'relevant repetition in symbolism' ... when the same symbol or the same message appears and reappears more than it can be attributed to pure circumstance ... it can only be marked down as 'of significance' ... what has occurred over recent transcripts can best be described as 'of significance'. I refer to of course the daily appearances of THE STAR with no prompting ... in the castings now it appears. Also, I refer to the occurrence of NINE STONES and its reference to it at the end of the trail. Always with distance between it and the 8th stone.,...

This casting is of some significance with The Star appearing at the same time as the Ace of Fishes which depicts the young Salmon leaping out of the chalice cup. It links most surely too with the crescent shaped stone of deception which is stone #9 and also with the Fools Gold which is stone #4 between the Hermit and EIGHT of Fishes. Repetition is occurring most surely ... the same message is plain to see over and over again delivered by higher awareness.

The side line stories appearing in the news to keep the mystery afloat and in the public eye. The images on the cards appear to be fading now ..in the glare of the camera lens ... fading, fading away. As the focus of much more significant events begin to appear.

The central Hermit image ... the male seen to be travelling alone. Travelling light. Stone #3 provides the illusion of being held in the hand by the Hermit ... optical illusion and the way it has fallen hiding what the Hermit really holds in his hand. So the situation this relates to is perhaps the same. That which was sighted by the camera lens is obscuring the real reason perhaps? It is the means to an end ... to get to where it is needed to go under the cover of something else. The 10 of Fishes perhaps relates to the rekindlement of friendships to gain an increase ... the collection of knowledge perhaps to learn where the dishonesty is?

Some communication or meeting has been sought. Some ploy to gain intelligence? For more surely some contact or snippet of information appertaining to The Star is of great importance. The crescent stone above and behind the Star imagery ... suggests the moonbeams of the 'false trail' are being used to cloak what is known. There is something extremely positive appertaining to Maddy's plight behind it all ... hidden .. deep within a protective glaze. Stone #5 on the shoulder of the Hermit is Aventurine ... it is the 'luck stone' .... like a leprechaun it sits on the Hermit's shoulder ... this character is under protection and is safe. Away from the scrutiny of the media and the public ... things are totally different to how they are made to appear ....

The Priestess ... a.k.a the High Priestess ... not been seen for a while. Perhaps she is due to make another appearance. A key figure to appear once more in the mystery ... perhaps then it is possible to glean who she is in the weeks to come? Above the Hermit ... in the pecking order perhaps? To her left is the emergence of the young Salmon .. the left is the future ... for the Hermit to the left is the Star ... the same emergence of the same person just a different perspective and a different interaction with Maddy. To the right of the Hermit is the word 'excitement' ... the Hermit has had the need to suppress the excitement and keep all its emotions in check. The Priestess has the word 'generosity' in her immediate past .... two stones .. stones #1 & #2 between her and the word ... stone #2 is the stone of infidelity and unfaithfulness ... perhaps in her immediate past this is what has happened to her? Beside that stone is stone #1 ... a stone yellow/orange in appearance ... a sombre mood and butterfly's in the stomach ... something below the surface like a secret that keeps the Priestess loyal to a certain cause or tact. She has so much she could say perhaps to the Hermit ... but the feel of blackmail prevents her from revealing even the smallest of things for fear of rebuff?

Interesting again is the figure of the young child in the Star image .... the image standing between stones #8 & #9 .... between 8 & 9 ... something significant between January 6th 2008 and February 6th 2008 ?? Significant re-occurrence keeps the 8 & 9 surfacing ... my wish is for it to be so much sooner ... another 2-3 months is a long time ... timing is everything; the hardest thing to predict with total accuracy therefore the parameter has to be set with it is no later than between 8 & 9 for something of huge significance ... as is the way with higher connections ... it could be sooner than later ... fingers crossed.