Further Reading

Thursday 1 November 2007

Daily Merlin

Daily Merlin Insight
Servants of the Light tarot
Thursday 1st November 2007
10:00pm - 110:05pm

"Insights into the recent reported sightings in Morocco and indeed all the Moroccan reports in recent weeks. Are they significant or to be deemed a red herring?'

Don't despair, 6 months seems a long time at this moment in time for someone so young to be separated from family. What the McCanns must be going through must be absolute despair. Once the little girl has re-emerged and that severed link once more resumed ... the time parted from her family will seem such a short time when compared with the many years ahead they have together once more.

Crystal stone 8 the very last one on the bottom right is the interesting casting. It is the black secrets stone and it covers the face of the Giver of Staves. This is the hidden person who plays the hand of the Unicorn to end this situation. It may well be someone within the British Intelligence who is finally able to get his act into girl with the permission of higher echelons being granted to move in. A locality is most certainly being observed ... those observations shrouded in utmost secrecy at a locality that not even those with power who can influence the media will be able to say where it is. I'm partly dismissive of the Morocco sightings ... as there is an element that isn't feeling right ... but I am aware of the Chicken Feed scenario.

An old woman is moving to my right in such a way to get my attention. I believe her name might have been Gwen. Indeed it seems it may have been. Her left hip was awful bad because mine is really hurting me. She is not very tall, a titch over 5 foot but quite wide with broad shoulders she is telling me. She shakes her head when I ask if she is linked to the McCanns ... she folds her arms across her chest to prevent me making too much of a disclosure. Her intention here is for someone else to have her recognised. She has no been on the other side for all that long ... 3 to 5 years. She apparently went over with a man ... she or he collapsed and fell to the knees and were gone before their head touched the earth.

She comes to indicate this must not be a sad time. There is no need to anticipate the worst out of this situation. She has been aware of this plight from the other side. She's come in close to try to enforce the faith which is needed to disbelieve those who peddle the fear of the worst. She passes on the link that thw McCann's routine was analysed and observed. It never wavered or changed. There was those behind them that were aware of what might transpire. Pushing the sequence bringing it forward.

A male now from my left said clearly 'going back' ... a head nodding in agreement behind me when I ask if she is therefore alive. Those who hold her dare not harm her. Cannot touch her. Are under implicit instruction not to harm her in anyway. To ward her off danger. She is in a place, and has been in other places, that nobody would dream she has been. Not dank cellars but times below ground so briefly within ancient chambers and treasures. She's been to places with hidden chambers there to protect which link to others. Places to hide from time to time during moments of the greatest heat. The time she was made invisible was one such time. For she hid right under the noses or the feet of the Prime of Spheres ... she was kept safe in places they would not have expected her to be. As much as she has been taken and it is despairing for her family ... know the despair is minor with that if she had been taken by those who wished to hurt her and molest her. That would be so much worse for them. Those who hold her really could not have returned her at the time ... they had to conceal her to ensure she was safe .. she seems like a figurehead or an icon to a faith. A faith that was employed to conceal her.

This links to the User of Spheres and her journey from there after the first couple of months. She travelled close to the Prime of Spheres and the cause of it all. The four branches of the one force which sent the energy scuttling down the networks. Those at the top who have all the influence. Then there was a communication or contact or instruction around the 3rd month - the month July or thereabouts - her re-emergence came so close ... then August came and someone ambitious apparently undertook the tact we all have come to understand - the blood on the wall and the DNA - the 7 of Crescents depicts the attempt to make a dream a reality as someone somewhere was unrelenting with this operant conditioning. It appears planned ... staged ... created. The into around September and the 3 of Spheres ... the next 'spokesperson emerges ... instructed to say only what he is able to say an somehow avert attention away from the partially drawn curtain behind him.

Thus Morocco sightings have emerged ... like graffiti on a wall to be noticed ... works of art ... but hardly true depictions. I am wary to say the hills behind the Giver of Staves in the image are those in North Africa. I sense more they are the hills around the border of Portugal with Spain. The Maker of Spheres appears to have a thing about having 'possible appearances' of Maddy in photographs. There have been two ... one in early August which was the anomaly behind the car photograph ... and the most recent was the one of the girl on the back in Morocco. Clearly the Maker of Spheres has an input into the truth and the real locality of Maddy. The Maker of Spheres has an association with the deep rooted organisations within this material world. Old trees within the forest which have perhaps to make way for new saplings. There is a clearing out here ... the busy flight path of bees in the image indicates something is forming somewhere as the pace is quickening with regard to dirty linen.

The Fool in the centre of the image ... the white rose asks that we must trust for a little while longer than the re-emergence of Maddy safe .. has been planned and those plans are slowly moving into action ... we walk away bit by bit, day by day from the accidental death theories ... more and more to Maddy is indeed alive. I am wary to say it is the last we've heard of the DNA. My intuition detects a stability from now. Where the arrow points is where we stand in this trail. Between month 8 and month 9 of the duration of the mystery ... is where the interesting events unfold. There is an unknown persona in communication with the unknown who is holding the hand of the Unicorn. The spokesperson may or may not know either of these two people ... he is inexplicably linked and knows more than he is ever permitted to say.

One of the Old Dears ... one who was more than accustomed to being before an audience. She says it is no different now, though the audience may not be there for stall to the gods ... they still stand before you observing your presence on the stage. Accept. Adapt and be very aware of how correct the information is. She was gentle and compassionate and caring. Her aim was to aid the needy and the sick. Her presence behind is a comfort. This lady really is 100% certain Maddy is still very much on the material plane. Safe and well fed. Healthy though currently quite tired. A little weary perhaps because she may be lacking a little in Iron ... slightly anemic perhaps. Aware too of her mother's stress. Sensing the distress ...

'Sweetie, send out warmth and light to comfort that distress. Light yellow candles ... draw in the light and send it out with love.'

the 9 of Spheres .. and the 9 of Crescents ... two 'future' cards ... someone from within the sea of public emotion to emerge with arms held high to grab attention ... flash photographs ... a number of pictures which are perhaps that of Maddy .. are most surely Maddy ... flash photography taken through pine trees ... capturing images of Maddy close to a house ... within a house ... nearby to an ornamental lake it seems ... water anyway ... there seems a sense of 'sterile grey vinyl on the floor' ... for some reason ...... (withheld) ...........