Further Reading

Sunday 4 November 2007

Daily Merlin: The Flaming Sword

Daily Merlin Insight
Servants of the Light tarot
Sunday 4th November 2007
10:30pm - 11:23pm

So much speculation in the media. So few trails which can be gleaned as being totally truthful. Careful steps to disguise all which the mystery is about. Somewhere out there is one little girl who is the innocent victim in all of this confusion. One little girl who should be with her family.

Insights to glean the most likely trail taken by The Shining Star in the last 6 months since her disappearance.

I will not accept she has come to any harm or has been in the company of pedophiles. The energies around her do not have that sense at all. An overwhelming sense of care is associated with those who hold her. Almost a reverence ... a fascination. An understanding seems to have been forged.

The last image to be included in the working was the Prime of Weapons ... it is the significator for Madeleine McCann. One of two ... the other being the Star. As the Star I glean the significator relates to her family perspective of her. The child and the offspring very much lighting up the lives of those in her family. But, as the Flaming Sword, I sense a feeling of 'the commodity' ... that worth which she represents which led to her being taken. Instinctively when creating the sigil, I knew the lines were not to touch the flaming sword. Very much symbolic of Madeleine to remain unharmed by her custodians, those who look after her and have her in a hiding place out of the way; out of circulation. Great steps have been taken to hide her locality and also to cloak her survival. There has been a definite intention to confuse the outside world ... a subterfuge necessary for the entire plot around this situation it appears.

To the left and the right of the Flaming Sword we see The Jester ... the fool perhaps. Not in the journeyman sense of the word as implicated by The Fool trump at the top left of the working; but as the literal fool. The risk taker. The one who is perhaps the cause or the effect of the situation. Something having been given by the Blond woman in the Giver of Spheres. The instruction ... or the reason for her taking. The event and the circumstances. It comes round to the representation of the sphere again. Is it as literal as a human egg and thus DNA ... or is it the actual instruction for Maddy to be taken.

Whatever it is ... Madeleine's survival has been the essential thing. Something key has been disregarded. The reason she has been taken is certainly not for a pedo ring. It is certainly not to end her life. That is sensed strongly. I have the feeling of borrowing once more ... a sense of observing her or the events that would unfold with her disappearance. The Flaming Sword is most certainly something of worth. In mythical tales there is a significance of the flaming sword and the bearer of such being at the gates of Eden. Taking this symbolism as a literal thing makes Madeleine even more of significant worth. Someone clearly knew her significance ... knew her circumstances ... and may well of known what her significance would be?

Hence the 7 of Spheres and the fool specifically choosing a certain sphere. The identical same sphere as the one instructed in the Giver of Spheres. Madeleine I feel was taken to order ... The Fool represents her 'spiritual' journey ... a significant journey. Something planned and executed by organisations represented by The Magician ... perhaps. Someone with medical knowledge and also significant influence to enable Madeleine to be taken and the enduring circumstances signified by the Hanged Man to take place.

The crystals in the casting appear to emulate a vibration of healing and a sense of compassion. No malice or violence is emphasised here. Also the sense it was always intended to have her returned. The 8 of Spheres and the 10 of Spheres indicates the confusion which is around it all ... attention on certain places to permit Madeleine to travel and slip through the net with all eyes on different places. It appears this is currently the case too ... the Ten of Spheres shows all the most recent 'sightings' ... a sense there is perhaps indeed ten in total. The way the end of the trail points to a crystal fallen on one of the potted spheres ... suggests that one is indeed Madeleine McCann. The potted nature of the spheres suggests the sightings are all contrived and all necessary for the storyline. The reaching influence to create this mystery is huge and the necessity with which Madeleine was taken is immense. I sense the need to research either the place where Maddy was born or where the IVF technique was undertaken. Some part of her medical history seems to be key to this. If anything is different or significant with Maddy this may be significant too. Her distinctive eye cannot be disregarded as part and parcel of these events. The way in which I constantly sense the involvement of Knights of medicine ... I wonder if Madeleine is in someway being monitored or observed?

The nine of Staves represents the barriers between Madeleine and her re-emergence. Really now the sequence at the base of the cards ... the SEVEN of Spheres down to the EIGHT of Spheres to the NINE of Staves and then the TEN of Spheres ... the unintentional laying out of the cards in this order ... there is that sequence again 7,8.9.10 .... 7 months, 8 months, 9 months and the maximum of 10 months ... it appears of significance again.

I grasp now the life which has temporarily been created for Madeleine in her absence from her family. Another family in which she lives ... normality as much is possible for her to live and breathe and thrive. I wonder how this family was chosen for her to be part of. A sense perhaps this insight suggests she has been taken to order ... chosen by someone influential to sell to a family for her to become another child to them .. it may suggest this indeed; but I sense in truth the family was chosen to be her surrogate family whilst she was away from her real family. There is nothing permanent about this arrangement it seems. They know she is to be returned after an agreed length of time.

The signs are around that messages are being passed from the perpetrators to the custodians to the outside world. Myth busting is taking place. The misery of 'the DNA and the body' speculation reaches out to those who are her custodians. They are powerless to make contact with the McCanns but they have sufficient influence it seems in order for 'signs' to appear that Maddy is alive. They may even have sufficient influence to be permitted to have her sighted in places for the news of those sightings to reach the outside world.

There is a sense of co-operation between perpetrators and custodians. The perpetrators having eyes and ears around the McCanns to gauge events and reactions ... and to know the movements of intelligence agencies who they know track the locality of the custodians. Thus it is the role of those somewhere close to influence the media agencies and the like to make sure that news reports and sightings are in locations in places far away from where she resides.

The spheres of influence are far and wide ... the implications great for those in echelons of power. What this situation represents is more deep rooted than perhaps can be ever comprehended. It is most certainly not a simple case of abduction ... those who perpetrated this pose a threat to higher echelons and their well established networks of trafficking and the like. There is a cover here to this mystery ... something of great significance going on behind the scenes.

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