Further Reading

Friday 2 November 2007

Mediumship - A personal insight

When people think of 'Mediums' they will usually visualise people wearing long flowing gowns in a séance, sat round a table holding hands with the people they are doing a reading for.

The reality is a long way from this 'stereotyped' conception of a Medium. In truth a Medium is more often than not just an ordinary person who will usually have an everyday job and family ties.

A Medium, quite simply, is just a link between the mundane world and the other world (which is often termed as the Spirit World or the World of Spirit). Mediumship is basically 'meditation' between one level of awareness and another. It has been associated in recent decades with 'giving messages' from those who have left the mundane plane and journeyed over to the World of Spirit. However, mediumship is a popularised form of mediation - where mediation is the mechanism of channelling information or energy from other dimensions. Mediation is an essential component of alchemy and magic.

Everyone on this material plane has the faculties for mediumship. The 'working' Medium is simply an individual who has the advantage of these faculties activated. There are two clear types of Mediumship:

1. Physical Mediumship;
2. Mental Mediumship.

Physical Mediumship is the more painful of the two. It involves the medium actually taking on the conditions and mannerisms of the contactee. This is not a phenomenon to be dismissed lightly by sceptical mindedness.

Having experienced this myself a numerous times, I know it is a very real experience. As many genuine Physical Mediums will confirm, when a Physical Medium links with a contactee who suffered from a heart condition, or a brain tumour, or the like ... that condition is automatically transfered to the Medium. It is VERY painful. There are two explanations for this occurrence.

Firstly, everything on the earth plane is energy. It has a magnetic polarity. Even a physical condition conforms to this principle. Therefore when the sensitive Medium connects with a contactee who had a particularly strong physical condition ... the energy and vibration of that condition is transfered to the Medium. The Medium's thought form energy field will absorb the vibratory rate of that condition ... thus the Medium 'takes on the condition' until such time the contactee no longer links to the Medium.

Secondly, as I often sense the distress of the contactee who has linked with me at recollecting their experiences of the earthplane once more, I have come to the conclusion that the Physical Medium 'volunteers' to take on board the conditions. This enable the contactee to make the connection without any unnecessary reminders of the earth plane. If a condition was particularly painful it may well discourage the 'ex-human' from making a connection with the earth plane.

Consciousness will retain the memory of every vibration it has manifest on. Therefore when a consciousness links with the material plane, it will automatically remember all physical experiences on that plane including painful illnesses.

The sceptical minded is likely to be totally dismissive of this. Fair dinkum to them ... until they experience it for themselves. To be inexplicably struck down with a serious pain in the chest or an inability to speak or experiencing the state of mind of someone with a stroke. Then for it to disappear just as suddenly as it appeared; usually when the contactee has been recognised and the physical condition confirmed by the receiver. It is a phenomeon which cannot be scientifically explained but it DOES occur. The comfort to those receiving the information from these contacts is wonderful. Often the physical condition when explained provides the additional proof that the contactee was known to the receiver.

There is also the phenomenon of Physical Mediumship between the medium and someone still on the material plane. Often I will pick up on the conditions of those who have come to me for a consultation. The process here is more than likely to do with the vibratory rate of the physical condition being felt by the Physical Medium. However, there is one such example which I must share here ... it is profound and a perfect example of Physical Mediumship:

Many years ago I was approached by a lady who wanted something different for a Birthday present for her husband. I agreed to compile an Astrology Chart for her husband. My Astrology Charts were slightly different to the norm. I used to call them Astro-Psychological Charts as they dealt with the blue print of individuals. Anyway, I began compiling the chart for this gentleman. Not long into the process I began to develop a very painful left shoulder. I was unable to bend my left arm after a short time. This became a major concern to me. Also, and more embarrassingly, I soon discovered I'd been temporarily blighted with impotence! Very much out of character for me as Kristine will tell you.

Anyway, to cut a long story short. I finished the chart for this gentleman and Kristine delivered the chart to his wife for her to parcel it up for his birthday. In the course of conversation, Kristine mentioned to the lady about my painful left shoulder. The lady was totally amazed as her husband was due for further surgery on his left shoulder ... he'd been suffering from a long term injury of the left shoulder ... and he was having real problems bending his left arm!

Kristine then mentioned the impotence and the Lady merely smiled and told her that her husband suffered from impotence too! Needless to say once Kristine informed me of this .. the impotence disappeared and has never been back since!

The second type of Mediumship is Mental Mediumship which can be split into the three further categories of Clairvoyance, Clairaudience and Clairsentience. Clairvoyance is basically 'clear seeing'; Clairaudience is 'clear hearing' and Clairsentience is ''clear sensing'.

Mental Mediumship is effectively using psychic faculties to enable the communication between the two worlds.