Further Reading

Friday 2 November 2007

The Meeting

I have had a few e-mails recently asking how Matt & I met. Well, I did once put it on this blog but it was some while ago now, so may have been 'lost' somewhere in the blog.
So, for the benefit of any new readers, here it is once more.
(Warning: Its quite long)
Now as some of you know, my Mum and Gran were both mediums, neither worked 'professionally' for want of a better word, and both wished they could be 'normal'. Their abilities scared them, but I took an interest from a very early age.
It's no surprise then, that whenever there was a psychic fayre on in my area, I would be there.
One day in January 1996, I went to see my niece Julie. Whilst there one of her husbands friends arrived and said he had just heard on the radio that there was a clairvoyant evening on that night at a local pub. So, without needing to ask my niece, we had both decided we were going!
My husband at the time, was away on business in Holland and I had chosen to stay at home.
So, that night, off we went. It was quite crowded and we learned that 2 mediums were in another room doing private readings, we had to take a number and wait our turn. It looked like we were in for a long night.
As we sat drinking and talking, a lady walked in, mid 50's, I looked up at her and a voice said to me 'You have to talk to that woman'.....Ok I thought to myself, wonder why?
Anyway, she walked straight over to where my niece and I were sitting, looked me straight in the eye and asked if she could join us.
Poor woman, I almost threw her into the chair! (her name was Lesley Ann)
We got chatting about all things spiritual etc, and I told her that my Mum and Gran had both been mediums, but both hated having the ability. I told her that I had been to see lots of clairvoyants in the past.
She then asked me if I knew Andrew....I did. She then asked who did I know from Rochdale...Andrew!!!
She said that she 'got' things for people as she spoke and her husband thought she was mad, but she did what was called psychometry and asked for my diamond ring.
Now she went on to tell me all about my life like she had been M15 or something following me around!
She told me where my husband was, she got tulips and a ferry....(he was in Holland at the time).....she went on to say that I could do this and I should be doing it! Up until that point I had never tried it in my life....but what she said next left me speechless.
She said that, although I am married, I wouldn't always be with my husband (I sort of knew that) but she had this younger man, fair haired, fair skinned, who was my soul mate who we had been together in past lives several times and we had agreed to meet up again in this life as there was something we could do together that neither could do alone! In 3-4 years time, she said we would marry and emigrate.
Ok, right, I thought......well whoever he is, he'd better be good looking!!
My niece burst out laughing and said "Oh she'll love having a toyboy"..taking it all in her stride.
Now my niece was my sister's daughter, my sister Ellen died at 19 when Julie was just 2. She knew there was a afterlife, she had the gift herself but chose to block it off.
As she was leaving the pub, she said she wasn't going to come, but spirit told her that she had to speak to the 2 blonde ladies there, she knew it was us as soon as she walked in the room.
Anyway, 15 months passed by, things were not right with my husband and I, he cared more for the business and money than anything else, probably still does. Sad man.
One day, saw a psychic fayre on at another local pub, so I asked my close friend Pauline to come along. Now Pauline was a non believer wanting to believe! But Bless her, she came with me anyway.
As we walked into this local pub function room, a lady called Pat (one of the readers) looked up, and did a double take and looked again. I wondered why I have this affect on genuine mediums, but it always happens and still does today.
I knew to have a reading with her.
I sat down at her table and her first words were 'Are you involved with a younger man?"....
No, I wasn't, not at all! Not even an older man....so I explained that my husband was younger than me, did she mean him... she just laughed and said 'No, its not him, never mind you haven't met him yet but you will within 3 WEEKS!".....
"And" she said " You will leave your husband, you are doing that anyway, but you will be with this man within 3 weeks".....
I listened to the rest of what she had to say in a daze.
That night, I took another friend Pam back to the venue with me so she could have a reading with this Pat.
As we walked in the pub function room at 7Pm, I noticed 2 other readers had joined the venue, one being Matt. My first thought was 'Oh he is young to be a medium"....and as usual my Mum came through with "And how old do you have to be to be a medium?"..
Ok Mum, point taken.
My friend Pam sat with Pat having a reading and whilst I waited for her, Matt kept looking over at me, I had no idea why, he wasn't my type, I had forgotten about the prediction from 15 month ago and even forgotten about the prediction of that morning..besides, Matt was not my type, so I wasn't even thinking about it being him.
Eventually he offered me a free reading as I waited...'free, did I hear free..' lol
Yes I jumped at the chance.
As I sat down, facing this younger man, fair haired, fair skinned, ...he suddenly asked me who Alice was!
Now I knew my Mum was with me in the room, she was actually standing to my right as I sat with Matt at his table.
So I said, 'Thats my Mum"...he then said "She is talking about Stanley".....
"That's my Dad" I shouted....
He then said "your mum is talking about Mark'....
I asked if he was sure it was Mark and not my husbands name.
"Nope" he said "She definately said Mark"...
Wishing Scotty would beam me up at this point, I told him that Mark was my eldest son, and I asked what my Mum was saying about him..
I guessed what was coming next.
He said "She is saying, he doesn't look like his dad and she doesn't think he is his"....
Well, I was as red as a beetroot, this had been a private joke between my mum and I, as Mark was dark eyed and dark skin (like my fathers side I must add!) and I was blue eyed blonde.
Now at this point I had wanted to jump out of the chair and run...but my Mum hadn't finished yet, oh no, she was having fun...at my expense!
All of a sudden she said "Oh for God's sake, stop dilly dallying around and get on with it, you know you are going to end up with him" (she said a bit more than that but I think I will leave it at that).....
My mum was getting impatient, she wanted me with Matt and she wasn't going away till he had my number!
Matt then asked me for my phone number as he was doing a development group, he had told me that I was the one that should be sat at the table doing readings and why wasn't I??
3 weeks later, I had been out, and for some reason when I got back home, I always switched my mobile phone off. This particular day was no different, and I switched it off, but then heard a voice saying 'switch the phone back on again..now"....
Sometimes I have ignored spirit, each time I say, never again, but I still do...but this day I didn't...I went over to my phone and switched it back on again. Almost within minutes, someone said "Matt is going to ring you"...
"Ok" I thought. Then my phone rang....I walked over to the worktop to answer and said "Hello Matt"...
I dont know who was the most shocked, him or me!
We got chatting and he joined me at my niece's house that evening, as I had already planned to go.
I think we both realised from that point, we were meant to be together.
That was April 1997, here we are 10 years on.
You know what they say 'Mother knows best'
Yes, she sure did.
Just working on a way of her not revealing too many secrets to Matt though now......mind you, I thin he knows them all now!
We recently went to see Sue Nicholson off Sensing Murder, she did a live show, and guess who was first through...yes Alice, brought Stan, my Dad with her....thankfully she left the embarrassing bits out though that night!
Sue named them both and my Mum did her usual trick of having the audience laughing with her wicked sense of humour.
Sue was brilliant, we had seen Kelvin Cruickshank just 4 days before, both are excellent mediums....well worth seeing live if anyone gets the chance.
Kelvin is doing a Uk/Europe tour next year, Sue is from UK originally, so probably will also get to do a Uk tour at some point.
Both gave 100% accurate detailed messages to the audience.
Mediumship at its best.