Further Reading

Thursday 22 November 2007

Morphic resonances

This matter concerns the hidden resonant energy of the Earth and Cosmos, with humanity and the ecosphere sandwiched between. It concerns subtle, pulsing morphic fields which interpenetrate the Earth and organise themselves into flows, circuitry and patterns. Through the spiralling or interweaving of energies, they are 'stepped down' into denser reality, and by this means reality takes shape.

These circuits are concentrated at ancient sacred sites worldwide. Each site has qualitative characteristics or a beingness unique to it. When we enter a 'buddha-field' or 'temenos' such as this, our subtle body-electricity and our psyches resonate with the energy-field, offering new challenges and opportunities unavailable at other locations. Auras grow. Consciousness deepens. Happiness, relief, awe, clarity or wonder can arise. Reality can twist and throw a few tantalisers.

Earth energies have pattern and flow, organising themselves into a network of lines both straight and curvy – lines which meet, end or begin at distinguishable points. These points tend to be ancient sites, hilltops and springs, churches, the locations of anomalous phenomena, of reported UFO-sightings, the sitings of unusual traditions and even, bless us, of modern communications towers. No one knows how these energy-systems really work.

Ancient peoples perceived secrets we cannot see. Yet a distant memory of this resides within us now, twanging occasionally at our unconscious, especially when we visit ancient sacred places. It's all to do with the resonance-frequencies and levels of experience and reality by which all life develops.