Further Reading

Saturday 24 November 2007

Of The Qlippoth

The Sephiroth are really twelve in number, Ain Soph is the eleventh, and its antithesis, its fatal shadow, is the abyss, the twelfth Sephiroth, the Qlippoth of the Kabalah.

The Qlippoth, which are the Infernal Worlds, are below Malkuth, the physical world.

The word Inferno comes from the Latin “infernus”, which means inferior region. Within every planet the submerged Mineral Kingdom exists with its own atomic Infernos. The latter are always to be found within the interior of any planetary mass, in the infradimensions of nature beneath the three-dimensional zone of Euclid. The abyss is really the Avitchi of the Hindus, the Nordic Inferno of Ice, the Chinese Inferno with all its yellow tortures, the Buddhist Inferno, the Mohammedan Inferno, the Egyptian Amenti, the tenebrous Tartarus, Avernus, etc. These different traditional Infernos allegorise in a clear form the submerged Mineral Kingdom.

All of us have heard about spiritualism, about Witches' Sabbaths with witches and rogues. There are those who see this as something strange, others as stories which cause one to smile. The crude reality however, is that the medieval witches’ sabbaths and the famous witches of midnight are more real than we might think. Those hags (”Calchonas” as they are called in strictly academic Hispanic language) obviously belong to the world of the Klipoth. Their governess was precisely Maria of the Antilles, so well-known in the ancient medieval convents. Those witches of the ancient witches’ sabbaths called her “Santa Maria.” I investigated that strange creature in the world of the Klipoth; how she was able to spend her life with so many Black Magicians, how she was able to be present at so many witches’ sabbaths. I never saw in her however, that which one could call perversity.

The tenebrous of the left hand the sub-lunar creatures rendered cult to her, and considered that magician not as someone tenebrous, but as a saint. I wanted to know what truth there had been in that; the alleged sanctity of a creature who was involved with darkness, who is mentioned in so many witches’ sabbaths and monasteries of the Middle Ages. Who of those who have occupied themselves with the study of old accounts of medieval High and Low Magic has not at some time heard of Maria of the Antilles? There are so many secrets hidden within the dust of many libraries.

The adverse Sephiroth are the Qlippoth; the demons are here, the condemned souls, they who suffer, they who have already used their cycle of existences, and who involute in time, the fallen Angels, the tenebrous of the lunar path, the Black Lodge, and all the adepts of the left hand, the henchmen of Lucifer and Ariman, the followers of the Bons and Dugpas, the enemies of the Fourth Way the Nicolaitans and the Tantric Anagarikas.

Undoubtedly, within the kingdom of Qlippoth there also live those that are developing themselves in High Magic.

The Qlippoth are the inverted Sephiroth, the Sephiroth in their negative aspect, the virtues inverted. For example the qualities of Geburah are rigor, the Law; and inverted are tyranny, dictatorship. Sometimes a prostitute delivers herself to males because of charity; here we find the principle of an inverted Sephira. So, charity of Chesed, when inverted could be complacency with crime.

All Qlippoth of Kabbalah are within the Kundabuffer organ, within Malkuth, the physical world, within the interior of the earth.