Further Reading

Sunday 4 November 2007

Open Your Mind - Illuminati Symbolism - It's All Around You!

If you have 5 minutes to spare then this is well worth watching. Discover the illuminati symbolism that is in front of our noses every day. The illuminati operate their evil agenda by using secret societies like Skull & Bones, The Freemasons, Bohemian Grove, The Trilateral Commission and The Bilderberg Group. The illuminati have big influence and control over the mainstream media, political parties, governments, religions, banking and big business. These people use secret societies to carry out their satanic agenda for a New World Order - a totalitarian, orwellian police state that is controlled by unelected criminally-minded beaureaucrats. Yes it sounds deep, yes it sounds crazy, but it's happening right now and it'll keep on happening... unless we do something about it NOW while we've still got the chance