Further Reading

Monday, 19 November 2007

Police seek man who warned about deaf woman's car

Police investigating the sudden disappearance of deaf Christchurch woman Emma Agnew want to speak to a man who warned a group her car was about to explode in a park.

The 20-year-old, missing now for four days, texted her family last Thursday morning to say she was planning to meet a man interested in buying her red Mazda Familia.

That was the last time anyone heard from the profoundly deaf woman described as friendly and intelligent. She failed to return to work at the Canterbury Deaf Association that morning and her partially burnt-out car was found in Bromley Park that night.

Detective Inspector Tom Fitzgerald, heading the inquiry, said the occupants of a silver Japanese car police were earlier seeking had been ruled out of any involvement in Ms Agnew's "completely uncharacteristic" disappearance. The occupants contacted police today.

Mr Fitzgerald said police were looking for a man who warned the occupants of the silver car to get out of the car park, saying "the car's going to blow".

"Obviously we'd like to speak to that person," he said.

The man was described as "fairly large" with short cropped hair and was walking a dog believed to be a pit bull terrier cross. (Yahoo Xtra)