Further Reading

Saturday 3 November 2007

Power Animals: The Camel

The camel is powerful and strong. It is focused and determined. If this is your totem don't expect it to gently nudge you in the right direction. The camel will shove you into the darkness and demand that you use your inner resources to survive, grow and awaken..

Camels have double rows of protective eye lashes which shield their eyes from the wind blown desert. Haired ear openings and the ability to close the nostrils at will enable them to live in harsh conditions. This symbolises the ability to see, hear and smell clearly without being distracted by outside influences. The camel helps us awaken our clairvoyant and clairaudient abilities by showing us how to remain centered in any circumstance.

The camel is a unique creature that demands respect. Its long lanky legs, the humps on its back and its big protruding eyes give it an unusual appearance. The hump of a camel has one main purpose. It stores fat. This fat is drawn upon for sustenance when food is scarce. Camels can also manufacture water by oxidation of that fat. They flourish on the coarsest of sparse vegetation and have been known to survive without water for up to 17 days. Occasional fasting to eliminate toxins from the body would benefit those with this totem. Camels are masters at survival and hold the teaching of resourcefulness. They can show us how to make the most out of whatever resources we have.

Past life ties associated with the high courts of Egypt and Rome have a strong influence on those with this totem. In their present life they will not tolerate unjust acts of any kind. If they maintain a balanced consciousness and keep their tempers under control they can excel in any career that incorporates justice and equality.

Although docile when properly handled, the camel is prone to fits of rage if mistreated. They demand respect and will get it. Their powerful legs kick dangerously, they can also spit and bite. Symbolically these actions remind us to honour all forms of life and to treat everyone and everything fairly.

The golden orange color of the camel also has significance. A color of vitality it has long been associated with the emotional chakra of earth and her human inhabitants. It can transform, purify and heal emotional discord. The golden ray is believed to be the colour of transfiguration. Transfiguration of cellular structure is possible when this color is applied in personal healing rituals. Because the camel has clear sight and acute hearing it can be a powerful ally for those willing to go the distance to transmute all imperfections.