Further Reading

Saturday 24 November 2007

Power Animals: The Scorpion

The Scorpion is a very interesting and solitary creature. They are fierce and lethal and have been known to live for as long as twenty-five years. They are nocturnal and do not hunt their prey, but rather wait until a suitable prospect crosses their path. They will then ambush their victim by giving them a lethal injection of poison which either kills or adequately stuns the unsuspecting creature. The Scorpion’s stinger sits at the top of their many segmented tail. The Scorpion is able to control how much venom will be released from their stinger when attacking their prey. They will, if very threatened, sting their victim several times. There are fifteen-hundred species of Scorpion throughout the world, of those, only twenty-five are lethal. These creatures molt frequently in their lifetimes, sometimes as many as five or six times. Scorpions can survive a year without food or water, making them one of the most enduring creatures on the planet.

Scorpions have the interesting characteristic of having six to twelve eyes. They have a central pair plus several which cluster around this set. Despite these extra eyes, or perhaps because of them, they do not see very well. They have sensory hairs on their under bellies which allow them to pick up vibrations and help them to find their way around in the dark. They are only able to distinguish light from dark and shadows.

Another unusual characteristic of the Scorpion is that they have a natural florescence and they will all glow under ultra-violet light. This is how most scientists are able to find them during their normal time of activity in the dark. After many years of research scientists are still not exactly sure what causes the Scorpion’s body to do this. The sight of a glowing Scorpion is an amazing thing to behold it is fascinating and mysterious.

Scorpions are respected by most people smart enough to understand their nature and wise enough to give them a wide berth. They are not discriminating about what or whom they sting, only about how much poison they will inject into you when they do.

The Fierce Scorpion Totem possesses the following virtues:

Metamorphosis, openness to change, mystery, independence, self-protection, endurance, ferocity, self-possession, fearlessness, power of passion, masterful presence, magnetic personality, determination, personal intensity, willpower, tenacity, forcefulness, tranquility and dignity.