Further Reading

Friday 2 November 2007

Woman spots child who 'has the same eye defect as Madeleine' on the Moroccan coast

Detectives working for the four-year-old's parents, Kate and Gerry McCann, were last night scouring a remote area in northern Morocco to find the child who, the witness said, was definitely missing Madeleine. The blonde child was seen by a woman who told detectives she even recognised the distinctive fleck in Madeleine's eye, where her pupil runs into her iris.

Naoual Malhi, who alerted police about the sighting a month ago, said she had seen her with an older woman, who tried to hide the girl. Mrs Malhi, 24, said: "I knew the minute I saw her from close-up that it was Madeleine. I'd seen her picture a thousand times and the girl I saw was her. She had that distinctive right eye where her pupil runs into the iris."

Mrs Malhi, a Moroccan national living on the Costa del Sol with her own four-year-old daughter, was shopping in the coastal town of Fnideq in August when she spotted the blonde girl with a middle-aged woman. She said: "She caught our attention because she was so blonde and pretty. As we walked up to them the woman tried to hide the girl behind her and shield her face. She was dressed in jeans and an orange jumper. She was exactly the same as in the pictures except she had a bump like a bruise on the left side of her forehead and her hair was a lot shorter, like a boy's. The woman was around 40. I could tell from her face she was Berber. I didn't shout out 'Madeleine' or anything but I tried to get another look at her face as the woman tried to pull her away from my view."

Francisco Marco, the head of Metodo 3, the Barcelona-based investigation agency hired by the McCanns, believes Madeleine was stolen to order from the family's holiday villa in the Algarve. He said last night: "We have a six-month agreement with the McCanns. We have already spent a month-and-a-half working. I will find her before that period is up."

He said he was certain the McCanns had nothing to do with their daughter's disappearance. (Daily Mail)

Servants of the Light tarot

5 of Crescents
3 of Crescents
The Star

The Star image makes itself known again at a key moment ... I am very reserved in jumping up and down with a sense this story relates to positive news. I have the salt pillar handy still especially with 66% of the imagery relating to images of the Moon. Therefore I sense these proportions relate to the news story above ... over 2/3rds of the story is perhaps false with 1/3 the truth ... typical chickenfeed in other words. I sense the 3 of Crescents indicates the 'birth' of more positive sightings ... in the ilk of this one ... as it appears someone somewhere has many of these reports at their disposal in a filing cabinet locked ... in a restricted area ... a coded sequence to access these reports on hard drive. A trail of many similar which could lead to the door where Maddy could have resided at one time. Yes, it was likely Maddy was sighted by this woman ... but, the trail is cold by now. I sense the wild goose trail epitomised by the 5 of Crescents ... it would be a disaster to buy into this story completely ... there is an element on old hat news here. Maddy is alive it is being designed to promote and advertise ... but her locality is elsewhere now to where this is reported. It is an action like a smokescreen still to hide ... the fact that the intelligence net is close to being shut tight with the prey deep inside captured. The prey is still perhaps none the wiser that they are observed ...

This story has the desired affect that Maddy has been sighted and confirmed to be alive ... those who control the development of this have now the intention to let it be known that death is not the truth ... that a living and breathing Maddy is the truth ....

The one essence I can detect as chickenfeed is the insinuation some unknown violence has befallen her with the opening line of the original story in the paper and the reference to the bruise. More operant conditioning to breed fear ... to have our minds play tricks and work overtime ... that she is being abused. I believe this not to be the case ... the double whammy of crescents ... 8 in total ... make me err on caution at this time ...

The 3 of Crescents goes now against the flow and is the 'trial' to judge opinion to see how people can be swayed by the trail to come .... the trail I sense leads to the Shining Star for sure .... interestingly we have that combination again ... the number 8 (the 3 and the 5 added together) ... and the 9 (which is the 17 of the Star minus the number 8) ... the 8 and the 9 perhaps relate to the 8th and the 9th months once again .... the activity which I sense at that time which this trail is leading to perhaps?