Further Reading

Monday 3 December 2007

Daily Merlin Insight for Monday 3rd December 2007

Using Servants of the Light tarot
10.25pm - 11:05pm

'Insights received using 'The Original Suspect' as the focus of the working. It was intuited as necessary at this time to revisit 'the man with the phone' .... '

I defy anyone who points the finger at RM and says it 'was him. He did it.' Because this is still not what I sense at all. I contemplated the press release of 'the man with the phone' back in the early days ... I've done it again just now ... I cannot sense any participation in an abduction at all.

There are significators of the characters and elements of the mystery around in this working ... which require some intuited 'comprehension' however.

The User of Weapons (the significator for GM) and The Empress (the significator for KM). The Keeper of Staves (the significator for the former spokesperson of the Unicorn - CM?) ... the Keeper of Crescents and the Giver of Crescents (significators relating to perpetrators of the abduction0 - two of the three I sense to be there at the very heart of the abduction ... and their close tie/link to the media world, hence their secrecy kept intact by someone fully aware of their 'mission' who also has considerable power in the media world to influence the tabloids and also be 'above the law' .... the 4 of Weapons ... and its obvious link to the characters of the Crescents and their insistence to keep pulling RM into the limelight as a way of concealing their own involvements and their own influences ...

The crystal casting has fallen in a not so obvious pattern of the outline of England & Wales ... its border around the 4 of Weapons ... in particular the stone which falls above the female figure in the Giver of Crescents ... geographically that stone appears to be somewhere around Salisbury ... Winchester ... that area inland from Southampton ... what is significant relating to RM there? Perhaps it is nothing at all ... but there is something diversionary about the way the press now focusses once more on RM. Last week it was on his 'girlfriend' ... now it is the original suspect again.

The crystal stones of significance have been described in the working - the pink stone of 'mother love' above the Empress; the black stone of 'secrecy' upon the 4 of Weapons; the 'eye stone' upon the 10 of Spheres and the medical 'granite' stone upon the Keeper of Staves .... all linked it seems to RM. However ... I sense the mother love stone does not relate to Km being linked to RM. I feel it appertains to the mother of RM. I suspect there is something not related specifically to MM which is an undertone to this situation ....

I have always been wary of saying that RM is in truth whiter than white. There is something 'in the region of grey' about this man. The 10 of Spheres and the 6 of Spheres ... RM is involved in something 'covert' .... something appertaining to the 'laws of secrecy' but what it is does not in anyway implicate him with the disappearance of MM. There is contradiction I sense ... but what it relates to I cannot see .. at this point. I dismiss it therefore as irrelevant.

the 6 of Spheres is mention of compensation or 'for someone's troubles' .. a favour or a deed rewarded. Someone seems to be putting someone up to something. There is a sense of a scapegoat status for the sake of the 4 of Weapons perhaps?A deliberate implication within the 'cover story' ... and the chance to clear a great deal of money? A favour? I have a sense of some kind of racketeering in the past.

Previous opportunities prior to 'the eye' ... prior to MM ... RM has involvement in covert operations appertaining to missing children perhaps? A covert operation? His expertise valued by someone? Nobody really knows just what RM is about other than what the media 'have revealed' ...

The 10 of Crescents appears to suggest a genuineness about the original suspect towards the McCanns. It is possible he knew of them prior to this mystery ... but it seems to be nothing sinister ... just an awareness that a group of eminent doctors would be staying at the resort close by to where his mother resides ... someone somewhere has a foreknowledge of RM and a cunningness to pull him into the mystery .... but why and how? More workings may well be required to explore this subject still further perhaps?