Further Reading

Wednesday 5 December 2007

Daily Merlin Insight - MM once more

For Wednesday 5th December 2007
Using The Tarot of Atlantis
10:15pm - 11:05pm

'Insights based around The Shining Star to intuit situations around her at this time ....'

An old woman with similar short blond hair to MM pulls in close protectively. Not permitting me to 'get to close' to MM. 'Madeleine IS still alive. You should see that fact is very plain. It is the ONE constant factor all the way through the summer. Di I will not be telling you that again.' The woman is not best pleased with this interruption. She may have shown me her short blond hair ... it was not however how it was towards the end of her life on the earthly plane. It went grey and white then loss its vibrancy. Become rather brittle. Her memory was failing she became forgetful and also hard of hearing. But not now ... the miracle of eternal life and she taps the spring of eternal youth just like in her dreams. She may have been old and frail on the outside but not inside. She links to MM and gives her the strength she needs to get through his ordeal. MM is kept SAFE ... away from the fray and the attention. The old woman is related to KM's and her side of the family. She is not best pleased with the other side and their attitude. They make it obvious do they not? MM is impatient and tired ... and enough is enough but the matter is still too serious a risk to permit her to re-emerge. The threat still is real to those it affects ... her cover must be retained. The old woman pulls in close ... she has been around before and mentioned before ... she asks that ..... (I keep it brief) .... some sign should be recovered or given that indicates to those close and those doubting Thomas's still that she is indeed alive .... it appears something physical and solid needs to be left somewhere? MM is safe and well that is the message to be sent across somehow ... doubt it not .... blind faith must be at its strongest now ... the little miracle endures ... with souls who can be trusted to keep her safe.

This old woman seems a dab hand at cards. She wears a green card player's hat and is cutting the cards (symbolically) ... she is accomplished at this task ... not tarot but ordinary playing cards ... how she never revealed what she always knew is a mystery. Always had her way at sayings things even now ....

She calls out the names Veronica and Lynn ... but she won't say why. Fish wives ... fish wives ... maybe she plays a joke here with me for there is a half smile on her face but no she is serious. Bootle and the docks and all that goes on in those places where the sun doesn't shine .... ??? People who weren't married at the time though this fails to make any sense to me at all ... it is left as it is because it is meant ... as is the mystery surrounding MM ... a cover to hide what it really is ... let people make of it what they will but it is necessity to hide what intelligence needs space to breathe ... those she disapproves of the one who it is all centred around and what he has brought to the other family. No more. Nothing else to say. Enough is said.

MM appears to be linked to a location 'overseas' with this working. Overseas in relation to the UK. A locality shielded deliberately from all the speculation. A land with a mild climate and lush vegetation.

I intend to be brief with this working tonight. There appears the need for it to be so. It can be elaborated on at a later date ... but it seems that it is impressed on me to summarise.

I link first with the crescent stone and the cad it has fallen upon ... that of The Emperor. The moonbeams will fall upon Gerry McCann once more it seems ... more falsehood and more insinuation. Someone points their hand and generate speculation. It is not what it appears to be ... the King Of Wands who sits above the Emperor in the working and also in rank it seems in life ... perhaps by age or by family position? The King of Wands is acknowledged as the wiser one ... there appears to be a meeting between the two ... unrelated at all to what may follow.

3 of Swords & 6 of Swords ... with the Hanged Man in between at the top .... indicates solutions being reached in order to resolve these issues which still exist. Another witness ... or a review of one who watched from within a market .... the media never reveals what has credibility because the media is not permitted. It appears something has truly been investigated and followed behind the scenes ... leads and trails leading to something significant.

4 of Wands opposite the King of Wands .... between them the sun ... alliances and the joining of forces who might not normally work together ... cohesion gained through the disappearance of MM ...

Finally the 10 of Chalices at the bottom right ... shielded from the Emperor by the Tower .... love and friendship and recognition ... the tower stood between Gerry McCann and these things shared with someone who now views him as a foe ... this certain someone has something like a skeleton on Gerry McCann perhaps ... but how relevant to MM is all of this?? A skeleton sufficient to compromise him? So he follows suit with what someone demands he undertakes perhaps .. what then ... would MM be returned or would this person still go against their word and keep MM hidden despite all the heartache their action has on innocents lives including MM??? Who could be that cruel? And who or what could motivate this person to be like this??

I do sense again MM has been residing on a Mediterranean Island (or two) for this time I sense an island other than Malta ...