Further Reading

Tuesday 4 December 2007

Daily Merlin Insight - The Mystery of the 7th Month

Tuesday 4th December 2007
10:05pm - 11:15pm

'Insight to make sense of the 7,8,9 ... and the significant event intuited within the 7th month of MM's disappearance (3rd December 2007 - 3rd January 2008) ... '

The two Old Dears stand close. They lead my awareness to a hillside. They look down on a narrow road and several vehicles driving down a road which winds round. It appears to be like a pass. There is one black car in particular. Three cars? A convoy or an escort? A rendezvous in a deserted area perhaps ... where few people are likely to be around especially at that time in the morning. The vehicles pull off the road ... over an unmetalled section ... a gravel road ... they park up. I can hear the sound of car doors slamming.

The Two Old Dears lead my thoughts away ... a secret to remain a secret. Covert meetings take place all over this country. I was aim to sense a feeling of someone European not UK relieved to be relinquishing a role or a responsibility. Money exchanged hands .... perhaps notes or drafts or bonds ... plus a list of names and places ...

I ask the Two Old Dears the obvious questions relating to 'the mystery of the 7th month' ... and they are reluctant to respond. 'Maddy in full view of the Old Fox I hear ... the cunning packhorse mule used by other's cleverer than he. The outside world may see him as astute if they knew which old mule it was ... but this fellow is tired, old and confused. A puppet on strings ... the strings soon to be cut now ... and the new Fox ready to take up the reigns ....' "Think within the business world where deeds and power is to be exchanged and you perhaps will find the Sheriff's Merry Band ... taking from the poor to give to the rich ... especially as dear old Robin was run out of town ...

'Begone', I hear an old man shout willing the Two Old Dears to be quiet. This is one who is of the same kin as MM ... he appears red in the face and angry with it all ... especially as he sees how is female offspring is suffering in the wake of all the lies. He finds it hard to keep his voice under control. He shouts and balls and bangs his fist sharply onto a table. He asks after them all and demands he is genuine. He may have been against me and others like me in life. Belittling family members who did believe over a beer when in life. But now is a different matter he must use any means he can to shout and be heard. This deception has gone on far too long.... he gives me the name of Paul ... very common I know but reasons not stated he prefered to answer to the name of Davey or David ... his hair seems red ... his face seems red ... and he seems to be nursing swollen and painful joints ... a family trait .... on B's side .... this seems a father figure to B ... they must no longer suffer any more. It is time those that know let them know all that they know and put them all out of the misery. M is alive and they do know where it is she is based from time to time. She may currently be absent from that place ... but she is bound to return from overseas ... some time soon he is implying on me ...' Brian Desborough? Or is it Brian who is 'Des's brother?

'What is significant of the 7th month of MM's disappearance? What is to take place in this period of time?'

I hear a group of awarenesses impress on me 'release of the rightful heir'. They must find the key to release their princess. The key to the right door. Someone is playing games with them laying down cryptic clues using the media ... three lawyers stand behind me from the higher realms. Dressed in their dark suits. Looking sullen because they are angry that fellows are acting in such a way. Spreading confusion due to something has undertaken that demands loyalty and sworn silence ... these gentlemen show an image of a whitehall bowler hat man with umbrella and a charmer of the ladies ... who snoops and undertakes surveillance who is doing nothing with what he knows. The name Thomas and also Bowles but they are not linked. This gentleman has been known to be an eavesdropper ... part of some kind of surveillance operation.

One of the Two Old Dears is sick and tired of all the dilly dallying around. Ireland and trees .... parkland beside a lake .... a hiding place for the little princess at one time ... but now that trail has been confused as someone covers their tracks perhaps the final furlong. A Racing consortium ... Green and the Chequered Flag ... flush out the villains all of them and when the last one is caught with his trousers down ... who knows what it is that will be revealed at the front door ... but elsewhere ......{withheld} ... and kept hidden until the coast is clear ...

'Someone significant will learn where the little princess is .... and will finally have to say ... because the cryptic games must come to an end. The summit must be climbed once and more all ...'

In the early days of discerning what Divination spreads were trying to say I heard over and over 'describe what you see' .... I see thus here symbolically ... the King Of Beasts at the centre of the working. At the centre of the issue. Wearing the Antler's horns either because the horns makes him untouchable and unfathomable ... or he is the prey for the wild hunt. He is the one the trail will lead to. I see the Badger behind him awakening from hibernation. The badger symbolic of healing or healer. Or the medical profession. Thus the King Of Beasts is linked to the medical profession. Towards him the Warrior of Beasts ... either his son or someone who is of lesser rank to him ... approaches him from somewhere rural with a gift as a way of an apology or the means to reconcile their differences .... the King of Beasts bears information relating to some research in the medical field which is desired by those who caused the entire situation it seems. They created the whole affair in order to pressure the King Of Beasts to part with what it is he knows perhaps?

The three of Fishes - the affirmation of 'affection' ... relates to some emotional link to the 'three fishes' or the three people link emotionally to the centre of this situation. Some kind of evidence is kept secret perhaps?

The crystal casting depicts some kind of network with another network within that network. Touching on this network is the 'eye stone' and the significance of the eye of MM ... also the mother love pink crystal ... perhaps the means of conception of MM? The white stone of trust indicates the naivety of Gerry & Kate perhaps to conceive MM in this way ... they were so desperate to have their first child ... that their emotions made them overlook their connection to this apparent network perhaps? Somewhere along the lines the King Of Beasts received intelligence relating to the conception methods of MM perhaps? The smoky crystal on the King of Beasts indicates some kind of thinking and something like forward planning ...

The Queen of Birds has been recognised in an early transcript within May 2007 as perhaps being a significator of Kate McCann ... inexplicably she has been perhaps drawn into something which she was not aware of ... involved in situations in which she is out of her depth ???

The 2 of Fishes - the freedom ... and the Page of Serpents ... the 'little serpent' ... the DNA reference ... and maybe the indication of negotiated freedom perhaps? There is a sense here now of playing the waiting game ....

The top three cards ... The Guardian ... The Fool .... and the 4 of Birds (Truce) .... linked I sense to the silent running ... the Guardian thus the protector of that trail now ... there is a glimpse of a teacher and a young mother it seems ... and in the background is seen the winding path which leads eventually to the 'tower of strength' .... the Fool is the start of another chapter ... a fresh page in the book with subtle differences in the 'speculation' to come in future days and weeks ... the four of Birds is the communications relating to the reconciliations between the once opposing sides ... the crystal of trust falls here ... there appears to be some real truth to come in tabloid or forum ... as something of real merit is circulated between now and the 3rd of Jamuary 2008. A glimmer of something ....