Further Reading

Thursday 27 December 2007

Daily Merlin Insight

For Thursday 27th December 2007
Using Navigators of the Mystic Sea
10.00pm - 10:35pm

'Insights based on an open channel.'

Sound waves: Theta/Delta - 4.3Hz, 4.0Hz, 3.7Hz
No photographic focus
Working based purely on any insights intuited at this time which may or may not relate to the situation.
Affirmation: 'Would anyone who can assist in providing information relating to the safe return of Madeleine McCann please make themselves known to me. I would be grateful to receive this vital information at this time.'

The working suggests an indirect link between the Hierophant (The 'wounded' Healer) and the Ace of Cups. It seems to be kept hidden/concealed ... the black 'secrecy' stone is suggestive of this.

Still the reoccurring essence of 'delusion' and 'falsehood' with the trail being reported by agencies of the Pied Piper. Nothing has changed ... there is just less speculation to go around.

The truth is still not known in the public arena. That which is reported in all the 'reconstructions' which now appear in the tabloids ... including the endless media assumptions and speculating ... does not match the events which this working appear to suggest. The 7 of Swords appearing central in the working suggesting the perpetrator taking the 'sword' within the room.

On 'reflection' a witness there is to the crime after all. No matter how careful it was planned and executed, the unforeseen appears to have taken place. Some shred of evidence to be reconsidered ... held back by the restrictions epitomised by the King of Wands. There is evidence being suppressed which could prove vital to the situation. The PJ must somehow be made to hand over everything they have on the investigation. Something contradictory to what is reported has been suppressed. For 'the right reasons' I presume ... for the events of the evening do not seem to be as reported. Could it be perhaps the group themselves , as well as Gerry & Kate, who could have been targetted here? Someone from the past seeking revenge. English speaking backers ... financiers ... opposing political views ...

Out of the shadows something now gets the attention it should have had all along. The silver lining perhaps of it all ...

The 9 of Wands ... panic attacks from someone caused by the intensity of it all. Not anticipating how far reaching the attention would be. Unable to break the impasse. Remaining hidden and silent for fear of reprisal. This was clearly not as planned. Unable to move for fear of the moon's beams bringing them out into the spotlight .... it seems the custodian is indeed fearful of blackmail or double cross. A tip off to the whereabouts of Madeleine could bring it all crashing down on their laps. They wish this to end. But someone higher will not permit them to return her as yet. Somehow a message must get through to negotiate ... silence must be broken and someone somewhere must make their terms known for this impasse cannot last indefinitely ... there is almost certainly a breakthrough in the end ... the network in which these players exists will be cracked ... and their identities uncovered ... the vows of loyalty will not keep them immune forever.

The crystals create the shape of a small letter r. But it is not a small R for Robert .... it is R for something or someone else.