Further Reading

Friday 28 December 2007

Daily Merlin Insight:

Using Servants of the Light
For Friday 28th December 2007

NZ: 9:25pm - 10:15pm

'Using the image of "The Shining Star" on the left, the working comprises the insights intuited relating to the situation around her at this exact moment in time'

Also, three key questions were asked during the working ....they have been withheld from the transcript.

Whilst shuffling the tarot in readiness for the casting, I 'hear' a number of voices with accents from north of the border murmuring in the back of my mind. There is a reference to 'Bob
by' and also to Arbroath.

Not to where The Shining Star is located ... those giving this whisper the word 'advice' is only. Not to give up hope. Just wait 'til the finger pointing dies down ... and someone somewhere chooses to let down their guard. There is apparent much pressure on them to relent.

An Irish man indeed appears to link ... a connection to RC religion ... and a devotion to following where loyalty can lead them to. 'tell them its under their noises ... on a road through a barran land (the word deliberately misspelt) ... those in the higher realms stunned by who it is and how they can tr
eat people in this way. A woman dressed in black often comes forward and stands so solemn. She says one word ... 'hope' ... patience is a virtue.

The lady who is around th
e little girl does plenty of baking apparently ... her 'man' carries an injury and a grudge. But it is not they who did the crime; seemingly they just agreed to looking after her for a while. Going along the line of the link there is a real sense of masculine anger. The instigator most definitely feels like a man but there are others around him too.

This man is angry as I gain a sense of his face. He bears scars or lines on his face. He wears a grey suit. He appears mid to late 50's. He is scowling. He wears gold jewelery and appears a man of the commercial city. It is for financial gain that he instructs those beneath him via secure phone. He is of medium build and his reputation is much larger than his actual frame. He appears to sit back in his executive chair within a meeting ... in that world nobody knows it is him who orchestrated the deal ... 'Gentleman Jim' the Whisky drinker ... but elsewhere he is not so pleasant ... his walls are not ready to come tumbling down ... I was whispered the name 'Stacy' ...

Within the working itself ... there is the High Priestess once more ... intrigue and mystery created by the hand of this elusive woman. A manuscript or document created by this individual. Another web of deceit to be unleashed perhaps? It appears not to be factual at least ... the appearance of the 'crescent' stone betrays more deceit. The continuity of the deception and the false speculation must surely have a negative impact on what that someone somewhere is hoping to achieve. No progress or results posted in the tabloids for so long ... there seems to be disbelief in the ranks below the pyramid. The Hermit denotes all the previous 'research' and scientific analysis. All the twists and all the turns. Next time something (if anything ) similar reappears ... once bitten twice shy. Hence the silent running perhaps? Nothing here contradicts the stance that Madeleine McCann is still alive. Nothing appears to be published that claims otherwise. Let sleeping dogs lie ... nothing seemingly of relevance in the news for a while. Except the High Priestess seems to be someone plotting something somewhere. A killjoy perhaps ... something to resurface the doubting Thomas' of this world again ... However, whatever it is ... appears to be strongly outshone by the 9 of Crescents and the 6 of Spheres in the future ... both symbolic of a safe return. The deceit is merely more subterfuge ... the bulk of the crystals come to rest beneath the 8 of Weapons ... again part of the 7,8,9 sequence once more .... 7 of Weapons, 8 of Weapons and 9 of Crescents ... between now and 3rd January 2008 which is the remainder or the '7' something must relate to the 'right' .... but what? The 'safe return' or the 're-emergence' does not seem to be highlighted here ... the reversed 5 of Weapons indicates the continued disappearance of Madeleine McCann at this time. The pattern of the crystals gives a strong sense of Madeleine being moved from one place to another in the near future. The 'event' marked by the Temperance card seems to be in the past position ... therefore something appears to be waiting in the wings to be reported as having happened ... The two of weapons 'suggests' two flaming swords .., a mystery within itself ... something requiring contemplation to consider. However, it does indicate a balance of power has been attained ... two sides of the situation; one side which will argue and discuss and the other with a tendency to wish to fight. Something appears in the melting pot for discussion at this time. It offers choice .... the image indicating time for a decision?